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Ophelia Black

         I breathe in the nosy air. The street cradled with many people walking and talking.
          " Do we really have to"? I asked.
Angie laughed. " It's fine Lia".
             I really didn't want to. So I turned my attention back to the front building eyeing the club that A was so destined to get in. I really didn't wanna party and drink , but she insisted.
           My blue dress clung to my body, it wasn't showing very much but it was okay for the occasion. It was knee high and decorated with blue pumps. Almost matching.
       There was a long waiting line to the front of the club , people talking and laughing. I wonder what actually awaits us inside. Drugs and numerous amounts of alcohol.
          I felt the tug on my hand as we moved up to the bouncer.
      " ID's". The man asked us.
Angie smiled up at him as she grabbed her purse , looking for some type of identification.
           She groaned. " Oh shit , I forgot my ID at home".  She lied.
           He crossed his arms. " No ID , no entry , move along".
        I looked at the man and shrugged moving , but Angie grabbed my wrist and placed me back.
       " Sir , please".
He rolled his eyes not bothering to move. "No ID , no entry".
         Angie wasn't gonna back down.
   " As you can see , we do look of age". She moved closer , her eyes pouty and her hand shriveling a 50 dollar bill into his waistline of his pants.
          He unfolded his arms and huffed.
" Fine".
        She squealed as he moved along letting us in.
        She tugged me closer as the door opened.
The red lights already blinded me. I absolutely hated clubs. I can't believe I let her drag me into this.
            Half naked people danced everywhere. It was an awful sight. People were dancing and dry humping each other.
       Angie must have seen my sour look as she nudged me.
     " C'mon Lia , you need this".
I rolled my eyes. " No Angie , I didn't".
           She smiled. " You can't linger on that loser, we came here to have fun"!
       She was right. Jason was a loser. He ruined the moment for months as I stayed home. Mopping over the breakup that he caused.
           I smiled. "Fine".
She took this as an opportunity to drag me through the crowd and onto the dance floor.
        Harry styles.
                  I swallowed some of the liquid in the shot glass. Tequila? Maybe. Quite frankly I didn't care.
        Liam passed me the joint.
His eyes following the sudden movements of the people on the dance floor.
           I take a hit and breathe in the smoke , making my eyes close. I was always use to getting high.
       I lean up taking the joint and passing it back to Liam.
       His eyes dazed. He wasn't paying attention. I nudge him.
He looked over and took the joint , back to the crowd. What was he looking at?
       My gaze fell upon a girl. Not just any girl. She looked confident. Her body shifting and grinding. Her dark black hair and green eyes. That's what drew me in.
       She had on a tight blue dress , it hung her curves perfectly. Like it was made for her. She didn't care who was looking , she just went with the flow.
             Those same green eyes stared into mine. They were captured in the heat of the dancing.
      I was dangerous , I'd probably ruin her. But I didn't care , I had to talk to her. I had to know her. She had to know me. I wanted her.
Ophelia Black (Lia)
       I was tired. And halfway drunk. As I stumbled to the bathroom.
          I pushed the door open and made my way into the stall. Man I had to pee.
     What felt like an eternity of pissing. I flushed the toilet and made my way to the sink.
        When did she get here? I looked at the woman who was fixing her lipstick. She then looked at me and smiled walking away.
       I finished up and hurried out the door.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention , but oh well. I was stumbling a bit. My body was a wreck.
        I soon hit the chest of a person. My body bouncing back into the hallway.
" Damn it-".
           I look up to see a man. He was convincingly handsome , his hair a mess of blackish curls and his green eyes , wow. I caught him staring earlier but I didn't actually take the time to know his eyes.
        " I'm sorry , I um didn't see you there".
He smirked. " I could tell".
        I rolled my eyes. " ' It's fine or It's okay' would've been nice".
          His smirk didn't leave. Which kind of made him intimidating.
          " You are a sassy one , aren't you"?
I nod. " I'm also feisty".
           He snickered. Why was I talking to him? I should be getting back to Angie.
      " Gotta get back to my friend , uh nice meeting you stranger at a club".
         He smiled , and before I could make another move , the ground lifted , I suddenly became very dizzy.
      Two hands caught me before I could faint , that's all I remember before the sudden darkness.
Chapter one. Finished. It will all come together you will understand the plot more.
- Mia


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