The invintation

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We are getting ready to go to the royal palace. I really dislike our king and hope he doesn't lay eyes on my daughters. Especally Jewels. I walk into her room and braid her hair. Kian walks in and smiles.

"You look beautiful," he says.

"Thanks," Jewels says quietly.

She stands up in her golden, silk gown and I smile.

"My little girl," I say and her sister comes in.

"Hi daddy," she says.

"Courtney," Kian says and hugs her. "I though you were't allowed to be here without Lord JC," he says.

"He's down stairs," she says.

"Oh," I say.

"Yeah,"  she says and her and Kian walk down stairs.

Lord JC

I see Courtney walk down with Kian and he sighs. He mumbles something and I smirk.

"I have been taking perfect care of your sister," I say and he nods.

Courtney walks over and I kiss her head.

"You know father wishes you never went with us that night," Kain says.

"I still would have met her one day," I say starting to get angry.

"JC, love, calm down," Courtney says kissing my cheek.

"King Connor is waiting. We must go," I say.

Kian nods and Courtney hugs him.

"Your leaving already," her father says.

"Yes. King Connor is expecting us," I say.

"Okay," he says and we leave.

"Kian is planning something. I can feel it," Courtney says.

I nod and we pull into the palace.

"JC, how have you been," Connor asks.

"Good. And you my king," I say.

"Fine. How's the baby," Connor asks Courtney.

"Fine. But as the baby develops, I'm getting weaker," she says.

"I have to give her blood once a week. This baby might kill her," I say.

Kian and the rest of the family walks over. Courtney grabs onto my arm and I can tell she was weak.

"We need to get her to a doctor. She needs to have this baby," I say and Kian rushes over.

"She's pregnate," Kian asks.

"Yeah," I say and we her inside.

We carry her to the operating room and she gives birth. She starts to lose conscousness and I slit my wrist. I squezze the blood into her mouth. I heal my wrist and she coughs.

"Are you okay baby girl," I ask.

"Yeah," she says laying down.

Connor gives me the baby and I smile.

"How is she," Kian asks.

"I don't know," I say.

Kian rushes to her side and Connor notices she has stopped breathing.

"S***," he mumbles and starts trying to bring her back.

She gasps and Kian looks at the baby.

"I thought vampires cant get a human pregnate," he says.

"If they are one of the 1st 7. JC isn't," Courtney says and her dad walks into the room.

Her dad tears up when he sees the baby.

"What's his name," he asks.

"Sam," Courtney says and I hand him to her.

She smiles and bites her lip ring.

"Your one of the 6 aren't you," Kian asks.

"Yeah. The truth is Connor is too," Courtney says.

"Then how did you have a child," he asks.

"I am the mother of most vampires in the nation. Dad really didn't tell you the full story did he," Courtney asks and he shakes his head.

"I'll tell you later," she says as Jewels walks in.

"He's so beautiful," she says.

A/N: I am going to post the song that I will post in the media area thing!!!


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