Chapter 1

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      I wake up to my cat scratching at my door. I stretch and let her out, then I plop back down onto my bed. I wait a few minutes then check my phone. It's 7am, 30 minutes till school st-30 minutes till school starts!? I jump up and quickly get ready. I brush my hair, teeth, put on makeup, i then get my bag and feed my cat and i'm already out the door. I get in my car and head to school. I'm in 12th grade and I just turned 17. I live alone because I moved out once I got my license, aka my 16th birthday. My family isn't the nicest. It's pretty toxic and I just wanted to get away from them.
       I arrive at school and head in. I throw my bag into my locker, and grab my math textbook. I actually like math, it's my best subject. My professors say I'm gifted but i don't think so. I'm pretty good at memorizing stuff and that's how I get good. I walk into class and sit down. Then the lesson starts.
      After all my classes it's finally time to go home, I go to my locker and get my bag and homework. But as I'm doing that one of the popular girls walks by me and whispers, 'looks like you have an admirer.' i turn around and she moves her head towards a group of the other popular kids. I make eye contact with one, his name's felix. He's popular because of his brother but i've heard he can be quite rude. I've always avoided him in high school because I'm overly sensitive. In primary school we used to be best friends until he stopped talking to me. He quickly looks away and kinda..blushes? I want to go up to him after school but i also don't want to at the same time.
        I see him walking behind the others because he's on his phone, now would be the perfect time to go up. So I do, 'hi!' i say with a nice smile. He looks at me and stays quiet for a second, 'hi.?' he says back. He stops walking and turns off his phone 'i..i just wanted to ask you why you were staring at me, do i have smudged make-up?' I look in my bag to grab a little mirror, he puts his hand on my wrist and says 'no, I just zoned out. I was looking at a sticker on the front of your locker.' I looked up at him and we made eye contact. I obviously don't believe him but I pretend like I do. 'Really? Which one? And are you sure.?'. He sighs, 'yes...jeez you ask a lot of questions.' 'oh uh, sorry. I just-' he interrupts me, 'no it's not a bad thing..i guess' 'you guess?' he looks up and to the side of us, his brother is waving him over. He hands me a piece of paper and runs off. 'B..bye!' I wave at him. I look at the piece of paper and its..his number? I guess he was planning to give it to me earlier but..decided against it? I don't know. I go to my car and go home.
     I get home and text the number Felix gave me. He answers almost immediately and we start talking. I sit down on my couch and turn on Netflix, I go to binge watch my favorite movies but then I get a text from my friend Molly, she says she needs a car because she's moving. I say okay and that I'll lend her mine for a week. I don't really think about it because the next xmoring, I was already in school because I had no vehicle. I ask Felix if can come pick me up for the week and he says okay. I don't know why people hate him so much...he seems like a really nice guy!
     -3 months later, Alex's car broke down and Felix still drives her to school and back. They're close friends now. Btw it's december- I get in his car and he starts driving, I see a McDonald's and I yell, 'MCDONALD'S!' 'do you want mcdicks?' 'YES! I'm starving! I hate
the lunch they have at school, it's gross.' 'agreed. I bring my own now.' he orders the food and pulls up to pay. 'your total is $24.56' the drive-through lady says. He pays and we get our food. I rummage through my bag and pull out $15, you know to pay him back for my food. I hand it to him and he declines. I do a couple more times and then he yells at me, 'i don't want your fucking money okay?!' I get silent..I start eating my food and look out the window.  'Hey I'm sorry I yelled, it's a habit. I always get pissed off at random and small things.' he sighs and puts his hand in my shoulder. I look at him, 'it's okay!' I fake a smile. We both eat our food and he drops me off at my place. I get home and take a shower. Today in soccer we had to play on sand because the grass was too muddy because it rained, but i was goalie and i jumped to get the ball but it went over my head and i got a face and hair full of sand.
      I dry my hair, do my makeup and get dressed after my shower and go to grab a snack but realize that I forgot to get groceries last night. 'Shit, there's no food.' I grab my purse and car keys and head out. I get groceries and head home, finally. I put everything in the cupboards, fringe and freezer. I grab some letus, cucumbers, and salad dressing to make some salad. Then felix texts me;
F: hey
A: hey
F: wyd? I'm lonely :(
A: making some food :3
A: same :'(
-after 30 minutes of felix typing-
F: wanna hang out tonight?
A: ofc!
F: 6 good? I just need to drop some packages off at the post office for my aunt
A: 6 is great, also tell her i said merry christmas:)
F: ofc <3
-felix deletes his message-
F: ofc
A: well see ya ;)
F: cya
      'Alright, time to eat my salad and clean this house.' i have about an hour 40 minutes to clean the house. I finish my salad and wash the dishes, clean my room, clan the bathroom, living room, kitchen and wash the floors. Of course it's a little messy still but it's cleaner than before, plus felix's room is probably messy..i mean his car kinda is. The doorbell rings and my cat runs into his room, the doorbell scares him. I open the door and greet felix, 'Hey! C'mon in! I'm sorry if my house is a little messy..I'm not good with organization.' 'Oh it's okay, it's cleaner than mine.' We sat on the couch and talked for awhile. We decided on ordering pizza. The pizza arrives and I turn on a Christmas movie and set it down on my coffee table. 'Oh! After the movie can you help me set my christmas tree up?' 'Of course Ba...Alex.' 'Thank you!' I hug him. I act like i didn't notice how he almost called me Babe or Baby but i totally did, i honestly don't see why people hate him, he's really nice once you get to know him. All of a sudden my power shuts off. I pull out my phone and see that a crash happened after a car hit black ice and it knocked out my neighborhood's power. The worst part is, it's -40 tonight. One of the coldest nights in a while. terrified of the dark. I get closer to felix and wrap my arms around him, 'I don't like the dark.' 'do you have a generator?' '...uh..yeah i think so...yes i do.' 'well it should bring the power back, just wait  like..10 more minutes.' -30 minutes later- 'are you sure you have a generator?' 'yes, I got it installed in september. It might be frozen. Can you come check it with me?' 'Of course.' we get on our coats, hats, mittens, and snow boots. We head outside, and my generator is..frozen. 'I might have some candles in my basement.' we head back inside. We get some candles and light them, I grab some blankets and bring them to my room. I pull down my other two blankets on my bed and get in bed. Felix then comes in, 'I'm gonna go now-' 'wait, can you please stay tonight..?' ... he thinks about it for a minute, 'okay.' he smiles and comes over. He crawls in beside me and we start telling each other stories. Then the power comes back on. It was out for about 3 hours, max. I still have all the blankets and I cuddle up close to Felix, I put my head on his chest. I fall asleep fast, and so does he.
      I wake up, very tired. I sit up and look around, Felix wakes up. 'Good morning.' He says hugging me, 'Good morning..' we both yawn. 'Do you even want to go to school today..? I don't. We probably got like 4 hours of sleep.' I say hugging him back. 'Yeah..' he says pulling me back down 'goodnight.' 'goodnight.'. We fall back asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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