The Dream turning to reality

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Life is a battle were you fight for the most precious things in life, but for Trey is the Love of his life...Broooom!!!!! The motorcycle roars, Trey speeds up more and more reaching the speed limit. In the air a soft and gentle fragrance lurks around, "I know I'm close" he says. As he reaches the speed limit his tears start slithering down his soft skin. He glances up at the sky and sees her in the Eiffel tower. He speeds up trying to break the limit as he gets closer his heart beats faster. As he gets closer she starts to move away "NOOOO" he screams "wait I cant lose you". His voice starts cutting off his tears start slashing in the burning solid asphalt... BEEEEEEEEEEPPP!!! The annoying disturbing sound of the alarm, "ahhhh" he gasps "it was all a dream; this is the 5th time I dream this". He steers at the roof and starts to think. He than sits down in his soft warm bed, his feet touch the warm rug, he than stands up and walk towards the window the sun hits his face and the birds fly by singing there lovely songs. There is no one outside everyone is sleeping. He than moves away he walks down the stairs, the cold hallow room whispers there is no one home. Trey just looks down he thinks about the dream. Trey than sits down in counter table takes out a cereal box and pours it in the white empty bowl. After eating his breakfast he goes back up and changes into some skinny jeans, Shinny Red shoes and a sweater. He walks down into the dark cold garage he gets in his motorcycle and opens the garage door. He stares at the empty road ad gasps. He than speeds up leaving the nice and quiet neighborhood but as he leaves the neighbor hood memories from the dream start coming back and keeps thinking about the dream. When he passes by the marketplace the smell of freshly baked bread lurks in the air wondering every corner of the marketplace. As he gets down from the motorcycle a sudden different soft and gentle fragrance that smelled like roses in a garden hits his nose and pulls him, he than stops looks around and thinks " I know this smell" his mind repeats over and over. As he follows the smell through the everlasting corridors he comes to a stop he looks forward and sees a lovely girl "could this be... her" he though in his mind. He than keeps going walking closer and closer toward her, he than puts his hands out to touch her and RINGGGG!!! His phone ranged he turns around and says "hello"
"Hi, is this Trey" the unknown caller said.
"Yes this is him speaking, who is this?"
"Oh hi, Trey this is the maid I'm calling to tell you that I haven't gotten my pay check yet"
"oh sorry I haven't been thinking correctly these past days something has me thinking, ill pay right away"
"ok, thank you, Bye"
"Bye" when he hangs up he turns around and she was gone no signs of her or her smell. His head slowly falls down and gasps he than closes his eyes and thinks "I lost her". As he slowly opens his eyes again his vision starts to clear up and than he sees a skinny red purse, "This must be hers" he thought. He crouches down and takes it as he opens it a paper pops out, it was a plane receive "she's leaving to London in 1 hour". He turned around and sprints through the door towards his motorcycle. BROOOOM!!! The motorcycle roars as he it speeds up leaving no trace except for the burning tires in the asphalt. Trey can only think of the girl he was determined it was her, huge water droplets slither down his face as the wind cuts his eyes. As he gets to the airport he jumps of the motorcycle and than sprints and jumps over the hoods of the cars in his way. He rushes through the door his heart beats faster and faster as if it were having a heart attack, his heavy breathing tires him more. He then stops and takes a glance at the clock and sees there are 10 minutes left. He calms down and takes a look around and suddenly the soft gentle fragrance penetrates his nose he slowly turns around and sees her in the horizon "there she is!" he repeats in his mind. As he gets closer and closer a smile and a warm sense in the heart start to reveal in his body "there she was the girl of my dreams" he repeated in his mind. Suddenly she was called up it was time for the mysterious girl to leave. Trey then runs towards and she starts to disappear in the crowed Trey reaches out an grabs her hand but it was too late the multitude had taken her away, "wait!!, wait!!" Trey screamed but no one waited. As he look at the crowed take her away his eyes start to water up and small droplets start slide down his soft cheeks and explode in the dusty floor. His legs weaken and he's knees drop to the floor as if he were defeated "it's all over, my only chance and I missed it" he whispered. His heart was devastated and his mind was confused. As he weeps in the floor a voice tells him
"Go after her" and repeats it over and over again. He looks up and wipes off his tears and looks around but no one was around "Go after her" the voice said one more time and than disappeared. Trey stands up and does what the mysterious voice told him. He pulls up his credit card and buys the next plane ticket to London. As he flies to London he searches her purse and finds the girls ID
"Alejandra, hummmm it's a beautiful name" he said in his mind. He put everything back in the purse and closed his eyes falling into a deep sleep. The sun hits his skin and slowly slithered up his body until it woke him up by softly touching his face. The salty wind touched his nose and as he moved his hands he pushed the sand that was beside him he was at a beach. As he got up he heard a laph and look around until he saw Alejandra near the sea shore. She was standing looking out into the ocean. The salty water touched her feet and the wind blew her beautiful hair. Trey rose up and slowly walked towards her. He then gently slithered his hands around her hips until he had hugged her completely than he gently put his head in her shoulder and softly kissed her cheek "it was a dream come true" he repeated in his mind. Then she looked at him... Beeeeppp!!!
"We've arrived to London" said the Pilot.
"Welcome to the beautiful city" said the co-pilot.
"AHHH" he gasped "it was all a dream again" he continued. As he got off the plane he thought about what he was going to do when he found the girl. He got out of the airport and looked up at the buildings and skies wondering. He then took a big breath and said "No matter how hard it is I will find her, I know she's the girl I've always dreamed about". He then lurked into the purse and there it was her address. He then walked around town looking for a taxicab. He then stopped and rested then there it was a taxicab had stopped. He then stood up and went towards it and asked the man "can u take me to Kingston A205?"
"Get out of here, don't disturb me" said the Taxi driver as he drove away. Trey stood there watching the taxi driver leave.
"What place am I in, no one is nice around here". As the day went on the sky turned grey and everything started to seem depressing. Trey than got to hotel and asked the doorman "Do you know where Kingston A205 is?
"Yes, you can take the next bus that comes and it will take you directly there"
"Thank you, where is the bus station?"
"Just take a right in that corner and you will see the bus station"
"Thank you so much". It than began to rain so Trey decided to stay at the hotel. He walked up to the receptionist and asked her "Can I get a presidential room?"
"Sure, that will be 200 Euros"
"Ok" he took out his wallet and gave her his credit card. As he waited the receptionist came back and asked for identification, Trey took out his wallet again and saw he did not have his identification. "I don't have it with me"
"Well I'm sorry without your identification we can't pass this credit card" She gave him the credit card back and called security.
"Nooooo wait this isn't fair" Trey yelled as he was kicked out of the hotel. Trey than looked at the pouring rain, he put on his hoody and walked into the pouring rain. "Hummmmm" he gasped. As tears came down his face as he walked. The frosty air hit his skin an cause him to have chicken skin, he also shivered in pain of being cold it was all a nightmare. After a walking for 30 minutes two guys came out of nowhere and stole his shoes, watch, necklace and before they could steal his wallet he sprinted into and alley and left no trace he had escaped. After Trey couldn't see them he stopped and kneed down and looked up at the sky "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed in pain, "I don't know what to do I just want to go back home and leave this horrible place". He then saw a bus stop and walked towards it; his feet were bleeding and were color blue. He lied down and fell asleep. Beeppp!!! The disturbing sound of the bus woke him up. He stood up and saw it was a public bus. He got on it and sat in the back seat. He could only think about the pain he was going through and the girl. As the bus went on he felt the bus stopping and looked up it was the airport. He stood up and came out the bus. He than stopped and thought
"Don't give up" it was the voice
"Huh, who is there?"
"Follow her; Go what are you waiting for!!!" Trey though over and got back in the bus and told the bus driver
"Take me to Kingston A205". He sat back down and said "She's the girl I'm looking for I can't give up I won't give up, not now". He then arrived at Kingston A205, he got off the bus and stood there staring at the door. There it was everything he had been searching for. He then climbed up the stairs he's heart beaded faster and faster, he had even forgotten about the pain in his feet. He then stood in front of the door, took a big breath and gently knocked the door. As he heard steps get closer and closer his heart beaded faster he was nervous. Then the door opened and a girl stood there. "Alejandra?"
"Yes..." There she was the perfect girl everything he had imagined. Her beautiful soft cheeks reddish in color, her hair dropped down as a waterfall and her curls drew him in, her soft, pink, bright rose lips called him for a kiss and her smile drew him closer to her.
"I believe this belongs to you" he took out the purse from his sweater and gave it to her.
"Oh, yes I lost this in Paris Thank you" She took a look at him and saw his nasty bleeding feet, his wet close and his dirtiness, she was disgusted.
"This isn't the real reason I came here, I came here for you, to be with you and to know you. I believe you are the perfect girl for me, I dream about you all the time..." She was shocked no expression in her face she went back in her house and closed the door. She had rejected him, it's all over there's nothing else to do" he said his voice cutting off. He then went to the airport and came back to Paris. That same day Alejandra thought about Trey day and night...
"Why would he come all the way to London, maybe what he said was true..." she said. She kept thinking about him all night that same day. Trey arrived home his heart was broken as if someone had stabbed his heart. Wushhh!! Wushhh!! Trey woke up there he was in the beach he stood back up and looked at the shore there it was Alejandra.
"Alejandra!" he called her. She turned around and waved him goodbye. She ran towards the ocean and dived in and disappeared. Trey ran towards the ocean dived in he searched for her but he couldn't find her "ALEJANDRAA!!! He screamed... "WOAHH" It was the same nightmare he had since he came back from London. Trey than stood up and said "I need to see her, I can't be like this I miss her, I can't give up I need to keep trying" he made up his mind. Trey rushed and changed into some skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and black shinny shoes. He then grabbed his motorcycle and went to airport and bought a plane ticket to London. When he arrived he came out and looked for a taxicab. "Take me to Kingston A205". As he was in his way he felt butterflies in his stomach he was desperate. When he arrived he ran up the stairs and towards the door, he knocked. Suddenly a person came out... "Who are you? Where is Alejandra?"
"She's at the music store" the mysterious lady said. Trey rushed down the stairs as fast as he could run towards the nearest music store. He stopped and looked for a person
"Where is the music store at" he asked
"Around the corner" he said
"Thank you" he yelled from the distance. As he arrived at the music store he saw her through the glass windows. He stopped and came in the store. He calmly went behind her and gently hugged her through the back as she listened to music. She turned around and looked at his eyes, they stared at each other for a couple of minutes than Trey knelt down and holding her hand and said "Alejandra I know you don't know me, I may not be the funniest person, neither the cutest but I am determined to live my life with you and given it all up for you. Alejandra knees down and fall into his arms and cries in his shoulders. He then takes a look at her wipes of her tears and tells her "no matter how far you are how much time it may take I will ever give up on you". They both stand up and Trey says goodbye and kisses her cheek and walk away. As he walks away she holds him by the wrists and pulls him back and hugs him...
"YES..." she whispers to him.

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