Chapter 1 - Runaway

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So this is what it's come to. It was all fine when I was little. I felt loved, safe and happy. 8 years later and here I am. In the cold. Running away from home. He never hurt me. He was the best dad ever till I was 8. Why did he have to start drinking? Why did mum have to go? Why did she leave? Why did he hurt me? Why was I born? I let him attack me, sexually abuse me and torcher me for 3 years of my life I can't get back and at the same time I abused myself. Another cut or burn to add to his ongoing collection. I couldn't take it anymore. So here I am. A 17 year old girl with a rucksack with only some clothes, cleaning products, money, food and water and my blade in to last me. This is what I've been driven to. By my own Dad. Not that he deserves that title. I have no idea where I am. By the landmarks and some drunken accents I can guess we're in London. Definitely not somewhere I know well since I'm from Devon. I don't know what to do with my life. I just want to end it. It'd take a miracle to change my mind.

Okay guys so this is the first chapter to my second fanfic. I'll try and update often but no promises. I know it's dark and not very good but it will get better. So yeah, thanks for reading.

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