11 || Darkened Optics

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Y/n's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Memo asked me as we stand right next to a locked up gate.

I brought out a pair of plyers. "It's a terrible idea but I've gotta try," I replied, working my tool on the gate.

Memo kept stumbling on his words because he wasn't so sure about this plan. I wasn't very fond of it either, but if I want to get Bee back, I have to take chances like this.

"How did you know the power was off?" He asked as I slip through the gate.

"I didn't. Let's go." I say, already making my way to the reserved building.


Bumblebee's POV

Dropkick kept punching and hitting in rage just because I won't give him and Shatter answers about my leader's whereabouts. He hit hard enough that my body fell to the floor. I don't understand how I am still standing after so much pain.

"Can I?" He asked Shatter.

"His memory cells are fried." She says. And she is right. I can't remember anything. I don't even know if I had a name before the one Y/n had given me. I'm just taking a wild guess that Optimus is my leader because she is so eager to know about him. "Finish him!"

At least I protected heer in the end. Dropkick turned me on my back, stomping on my chest plates and activating the old message from Optimus. It projected right in front of the two enemies standing above me. "We will fight on. Regroup, rebuild, and retake our home!" Optimus' message said. "But we must find refuge first. You will travel to earth. Once we've gathered the others, we will join you. You must protect the planet. If the Decepticons find it, then our people are truly finished. Stay safe, soldier. I am coming." Then he was gone.

He really is my leader. Optimus trusted me to find a home for our people and now I blew it. These Decepticons know about it now...

"Prime is coming here?" Dropkick questioned Shatter.

She replied. "They are all coming here. This is our chance to wipe out the Autobot resistance for good!"

I'm an Autobot? Well, of course, I am... From how she said that it sounds like I may be one.

Dropkick smirked. "We'll burn the whole planet to cinders."

"We must get word to Cybertron immediately," Shatter tells her partner. "Tell them to bring an army."

This won't go well at all. First, I come here to earth, lose my memory, meet someone who I am wanting to stick with for the rest of my life, and now the world is ending because of me. Is it because of me? Or it must be these Cons determining the planet's fate.

"Burns, we made a terrible mistake," Powell said into his radio, quivering with fear.

Shatter opens up her arm cuff. "And thanks to our human allies, I know just how to get the message home." A hologram of what looks like human technology in space is displayed. A satellite.

"They're using our satellites," Powell whispered to Burns through the radio. "They're calling an army. They're gonna kill us all."

Shatter looks to Powell, happy to finally make a decision that she's been longing to make. "Thank you for your hospitality, friend Powell." She glanced at Dropkick. "He's all yours."

Dropkick readied his canon, aiming at the scientist on the balcony. I can't watch it.


Narrator's POV

Back at Y/n's bouse, her mother and stepfather were cleaning up the living room. The couch is torn, a few small pieces of furniture are broken, and cords to electronic devices are cut. Y/n's mother sighed deeply. "Y/n!"

(Lol I know I meant 'house' at the beginning of the sentence, but y'all are commenting on how funny it is! So, I'll keep it 🤣)

Her daughter doesn't come from her room, just her brother, Otis. "Y/n's fallen ill and must stay in her bedroom for the rest of the evening." He says. "She wishes not to be troubled. Keep clear of her chambers."

"What?" Mother put her hands on her hips.

Otis gulps, repeating himself. "Y/n's fallen ill and must stay in her bedroom for the rest of the evening. She wishes not to..." Mother walks right up to him.

"Otis!" She grabbed his face. "Are you on drugs? Hm?" She walks to Y/n's room.

"No, no, no, mom! Mom, mom! Stop." He tried pulling her away from his sister's room.

"Y/n!" Her mother called. "Where is she?"

"Mom," Otis came in front of her. "There is no reason to go..."

"Otis, stop." She opened Y/n's bedroom door to see a dark and empty room. She looks at her son. "Where is she?"


She leaned on the wall. "Otis?"


Y/n's POV

This is so scary. Like, terrifying but yet I am still here watching these two dangerous robots talk about bringing an army to earth.

"I found a tower to transmit our message. It's close." The red one said. Then she looks at the floor to find Bee trying to stand up to them. I really want to run out there and protect him. I just hope they spare him! I am on the verge of tears just watching him be helpless and miserable at their feet. "Oh, B-127. I almost forgot..."

The blue one talks next. "I didn't." His gun lit up so brightly, it made the entire room glow. I couldn't react, though. He fired, making my stomach drop to the ground. I knew what was about to happen and I could not prepare myself for it.

"NO! DON'T SHOOT!!" I cried, watching the bright light flash, and heard Bee's body drop to the floor. When I dared to look back at his body, he was lifeless and no longer moving. 

I just lost him.


Bumblebee's POV

"Oh, B-127. I almost forgot..." Shatter looks down at me with a nasty grin, sending me a message that my time is up. I'll never see my Y/n again. That's what hurt me the most than being beaten by these two idiots. It brings me great pain to know I won't know she is safe and I may not ever see her again.

If this is where my journey ends, then so be it. All I want for Y/n is for her to be safe and alive. I want her to live to tell this story to her family and know she gave me my voice. She gave me a chance and she is what keeps humanity alive. 

Dropkick aimed his fired-up canon at my face. "I didn't." He says coldly.

My optics widen as I spoke out one last thing. "Y/n--I love you--" I let out before a bright light caused my vision to dim to darkness.


Wattpad Snap: Grizzywattpad
Personal Snap: Purplebear26x

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~ Grizzy

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