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"Rise and shine, you lazy bum," an overly enthusiastic yet impolite voice broke through the barriers keeping Renjun asleep, forcefully drawing him back to reality. It was like little cracks of light seeped in through the darkness of his sub-conscience...and he hated it.

"When I need a stupid alarm clock, I'll fucking ask for one," the Chinese adult huffed bitterly before rolling on his side and ignoring whoever could've possibly infiltrated his private living space. That thought wasn't what was picking at his brain though...more so that he had been cruelly ripped from a much needed lie in.

It was Wednesday. He didn't have classes.

"I had it in my head that you were more....straight laced than this? Is that the term?" The boy continued to pester, shoving Renjun irritatingly before sliding over his chrysalis-like figure beneath the white duvet and straddling him. "It's eleven in the morning. How can you physically sleep any longer?"

"Fuck off...."

"I refuse. I've been up since eight."

"I didn't ask, and I won't be asking," the older growled before spinning around to start shoving the other. It turned out to be none other than Donghyuck, which was a little surprising considering he didn't tend to step out of line very often.

It had been two days since the iPad incident, and nothing had gotten better...possibly even degrading to be called 'worse', if that were possible.

"Why on this ever-loving earth would you wake me up on a free day?!" The blonde whined, starting to wake up properly and taking note of their odd position. "And why are you sitting on my hips?"

"Answer one: you've been sleeping for way too long. We all thought you were dead, so we played rock, paper scissors to see who'd come up and get you. Little old me won, so I've arrived to grab you and inform you that we're all going out on a date."

"Excuse me, I haven't quite joined the land of the living," the older sported the fakest smile he could muster, diving under the bedsheets and screaming obnoxiously loudly. Donghyuck flinched, looking around as if there was actually anyone there to object.

Once Renjun resurfaced, he had a pretty similar superficial smile plastered to his face and spoke softly. "Dates are for couples. It's my day off. I don't want to deal with your horseshit. Please get off before I call the police."

The younger sighed dramatically, quite comfortable where he was and rubbing his face to express his weariness. "Be glad it's me who came for you, Huang Renjun. I'm a lot kinder than some of the others, so I'd take this as an omen for a nice, pleasant day ahead. Come with us."

"You people have no concept of the word 'no', do you? Can you not clearly see that I have no burning desire to be in your company? Wild horses could not drag me to a stupid date today, and especially one with creepy boys who won't learn personal space boundaries!"

Donghyuck took that as his final straw and did indeed get up, now showing to Renjun that he was dressed in a flimsy pair of denim shorts, a yellow striped t-shirt that complemented his tanned skin and a few bracelets. He rolled out his shoulders like a wrestler preparing to tackle again. "I didn't want to use force, but you've twisted my arm."


"Oh, good afternoon, Renjun," Taeyong chirped from his spot at the dining table. He appeared to be just leaving, gathering his papers and heading off towards the reception desk. "Have a good sleep?"

"I really hope that's sarcasm," the smallest grumbled under his breath before reluctantly dropping himself down into the seat beside Chenle who was mixing her rice with some chopped ham. An odd combination, but not disgusting in any way.

"You're still in your pyjamas," Mark commented from the coffee machine. "How cute." Donghyuck pranced into his arms and gladly latched around him when the oldest caught him.

"I'm not cute," Renjun pointed out dryly. "I am very enraged right now, even if it's not apparent to the naked eye."

Chenle held up a piece of ham in his chopsticks and offered it to him, earning a skeptical look. "Say 'ah'," the ravenette beamed.

"I'll say 'ah' when pigs pilot an aircraft. No."

"Stop being such a sourpuss. Life is hard enough as it is without people like you dragging the ambiance down."

The blonde very nearly throttled the adult for her answers, but remained calm all the same and dubiously opened his mouth. "You people are either flirting with me or studying me to plan out my death."

The taller placed the piece of meat between his lips, chuckling as she watched Renjun chew it unenthusiastically. "Nice?"


Jaemin wandered in with nothing but shorts on, sweating profusely as he stared at his phone. His absentminded actions went unnoticed to most, albeit Jeno kicked his ankle and sent him a warning gaze. The newest member of the complex appeared to the only one mildly intimidated by the fact that they had a half naked male wandering around.

"We have another neighbour now, Idiot," Jeno flicked the distracted boy's forehead and yanked his phone away. "Go get dressed. We're leaving soon, anyway."

The brunette blinked a couple of times before moving his line of vision from the older towards a nervous Renjun who was trying to settle his annoyance. "Oh. You're still here."

"Yup. Haven't gotten rid of me yet," the smallest sort of challenged, but really didn't mean for a fight to come of it.

"As it seems," Jaemin mumbled before having a stretch (his alluring muscles all flexing in the process) and situating himself opposite the two Chinese residents. He lay on his two hands against the table, quite possibly falling asleep again.

"So...." Renjun murmured in a somewhat confused tone, "This 'date' you've concocted. What is it? Where're we going?"

"It'll be a bit of fun," Mark responded before the others could even attempt such a thing. "Do you like surprises, Renjun?"

"Sometimes. Depends on what kind."

"Nice answer."

Jeno sat down beside Jaemin and winked cutely with his all too lovable eye-smile appearing. "You see, Mark is going to be leaving again tomorrow afternoon. We always have a date day before he heads off for filming."

"I still can't get over that," the blonde mumbled softly. "Every time I see you, it makes me think 'he looks like that actor' and I never think 'oh right, he is that actor'. Sort of surreal, isn't it?"

"For most," Donghyuck looked back at him. "It has been a slight cause for alarm on various occasions, but most just accept that he is who he is and move on."

"Alarm? What occasions?"

Chenle nudged his arm gently, shaking her head and swaying her finger. "You'll ruin the surprise if you keep asking questions."

Surprise? What has any of this got to do with surprises? Why do I feel so outcasted when I'm around these people? Renjun relaxed into his chair and elicited a tight-lipped huff into the air. "Whatever. If anyone pulls anything weird, I'm coming straight home."

Jaemin looked up at him through his pretty brown lashes. "So suspicious."

"You'll find I'm more than just a suspicious person. I have a few stubborn traits I live by."

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𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now