Camp Green Lake - Tour Guide

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The harsh rays of the sun burned her body terribly - the window only magnifying the heat in the 80 degree weather. She just started the bus ride- transferring to the camp she was suppose to attend for the next 18 months.

"This is worse than an oven..." mumbled Aveline, a crack in her voice as the nervousness seeped through the dryness of her throat. Silence met her remark, considering she was the only passenger here besides the two officers in the front.

She glared enviously at the thinner of the two, sitting by the entrance with a cold beverage by his feet. He too unashamedly stared her down with an equal if not worse glare of his own. Quietly edging her on for any sudden movements while his shotgun perched on his lap.

"As if I was stupid enough to fight or jump out of a moving vehicle," Aveline grumbled in her thoughts. The handcuffs scraping her wrists tightly as if to reassure her of the reality she was in.

This was rock bottom in her already miserable life, she thought as her hand wiped the sweat away from her eyelids.

But then again no one in town was surprised when she had finally gotten into trouble with the law, severe trouble. Only amazed with the few details that emerged later on.

At this point, it almost felt like a dream - the days passing in a blur. From being held in prison awaiting the court date. To this disgusting bus ride in the desert.

Flashback to earlier that week

"Aveline Bardot- you have been warned multiple times," a firm voice ahead of her spoke. His face staring at the young 16 year old below his altar, "Why is it that everytime I see you, despite the counseling you recieve, you manage to get into an altercation with another person?"

"He was asking for it." Spat Aveline in return, her knuckles bruised dark blue with scrapes of red.

Mr.Lauren, the judge, sighed at her response. Fixing her files placed on the desk. He wondered what to do.

Aveline was smart- intelligent even - if you looked past her short fuse. But fighting, nonetheless with men, would one day be the end of her. She had to learn to control her temper and at the rate she was going, counseling wouldn't be there to save her in time.

"Take her outside while I speak to Ms. Nevik." He ordered the guards, his eyes shifting to the door and then to the counselor.

Ms.Nevik had been helping her cope through her reactions for a few months now, things were looking brighter but this last incident had thrown those months of progress into the trash.

The victim in hand was the ex boyfriend (or atleast Aveline hoped) of her older sister. Actions were done, and words were said. One thing led to another and somehow in a blur of rage she ended up ontop of him with her knuckles connecting with his nose. A loud crack echoed the room as her sister attempted to hold her back. Much of what happened after could only be recalled in a haze of adrenaline and police sirens.

Ms. Nevik stepped out the courts room, walking towards her parents first, her mother and sister crying their eyes out as they heard the verdict of the judge. Her shrink Ms. Nevik giving a defeated smile to Aveline's father as she explained the situation. Her father nodded solemnly. Despite their sad reactions they had refused to speak with her after the latest events. To angry and upset to even be in the same room across from her.

Ms. Nevik gave a few words and then nodded to Aveline's parents, turning away and walking over to Aveline as the guards were handed her verdict and file.

"How bad is it?" Aveline asked as she tapped her foot on the floor.

"Not terribly, I'd say..." Ms. Nevik started, her nails tapping on her personal folder, "Look Ave its a lose/win situation, I've managed to convince Mr. Lauren to avoid pressing charges considering you're under legal age. But this is the last time I can bail you out of trouble,"

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