Untitled Part 1

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        "Yes, Mom I made it and yes everything is fine." I groaned as I shuffled around with the keys to my new dorm.

        "Oh honey are you sure? Me and your dad aren't too far we can still help you unpack." she said in a shirly voice. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother dearly, but I wasn't too disappointed by this new living arrangement.

It was going to be nice getting away from her opinions and outragous antics.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm sure." I responded, finally getting the key into the keyhole while juggling my messenger bag and carry-on.

I quickly opened the door and dropped all my stuff onto the vacant floor. My arms were instantly relieved turning but felt like wet noodles from the weight. My mom was still yapping on about how she was positive my roommate was a serial killer or junkie 'or worse, one who wears a tail and cat ears!' 

"Yeah, yeah I know," I said. "But I really gotta go, ma."

"Okay, Beth, but just remember be nice, and do well and live a little and don't take candy from strangers and whatever you do don't you come home with a hickey and-"

"Oh- we're breaking up! White noise or something. I think its aliens! Oh no, they're taking meeeee-" I hung up after that. She'll get the memo.

 I finally took notice of the room.

It looked like my roommate had gotten here before me because the left bed was made up and had an open suitcase on the gray floral comforter. There were sketches all over the desk next to it, mostly penicil and charcole drawings. There was a matching desk, which I assumed was mine, across from it but that wasn't what I cared about.

"Mineeeeeee"  I cried as ran to belly flop onto the bare bed.

Sadly, though, my carry on didn't approve of this reunion and my foot got caught under the strap causing me to fall on my stomach like a complete loser. I fell with a unlady-like grace with my arms flailing as I landed on my stomach with a majestic 'opff!' And I'm not gonna lie it hurt like a bitch.

I narrowed my eyes at my bag as I muttered, "Jealous."

Yes, I Elizabeth Austen, talk to inanimate objects. And my mother thought my roommate would be the weird one.

Thats when I heard laughing from the doorway.

"Shit," I muttered, scrambling to my feet.

I looked towards the doorway and saw a mousy looking girl with a dirty blonde ratnest resting atop her head holding a bag. She looked at me through thick black rimmed glasses.She blushed and rushed towards me helping me get up.

"Sorry," she said, quietly. "That was rude."

God, she looked so nervous I felt kinda guilty.

"No, no it's fine." I said quickly. "You just caught me in the midst of a love triangle between my bed and my carry on. Its pretty intense, don't you think?"

She laughed again before holding out her pale hand. "Jayne Reye."

I smiled at her before taking it in my freckled one. "Elizabeth Austen."

She smiled brightly. "So, what do you plan on studying?"


"Uh, I kinda mmaybe don't know." I said twirling a piece of brown hair between my fingers. "English, maybe. Or nursing. Or History. Or physiology. Or I could just drop out of here and enter into that hamburger university."

"No,"Jayne said amused. "Then how will I ever find out how the epic love trial ends."

"Spoiler alert: I pick the bed." I stage whispered. "But anyways what are you studying?"

"I'm thinking of double majoring, actually." She pushed her glasses up. "Teaching and Art History."

I let out a low whistle. Hot damn, Jayne had two majors picked and I couldn't even focus on one.

"I was just bringing up my last bag." She gestured to the bag she was holding. "My cousin is waiting downstairs. Shes a Junior here. Her names Cathy. She wanted to give me a little tour of campus. You wanna come with us."

I was gonna say no, that i needed to unpack, but she looked up at me with those warm brown puppy eyes and I knew I couldn't say no.

"Absolutly!" I said with a smile. "Just give me a sec."

Jayne smiled like a kid in a candy shop as she nodded and headed out the door. She was so freaking adorable i could hardly stand it. Maybe its because she's tiny. Tiny, shy, nice people have that affect on me.

I looked in the mirror resting next to her bed and cringed when I saw my reflection.

If I thought Jaynes hair looked bad mine was an absolute disaster with light brown hair sticking in every direction. The mascara around my green eyes had rubbed off and I quickly re-applied it. The grosset thing though was that I had sweat marks on my white tank top from the Texas heat. I was utterly disgusting. I dug through my carry on and found a light weight, red plaid button up and decided it went nicely with my gray leggings.

Then I took a deep breath as I turned to go downstairs and experience the first day in my new life.


-Cheesy ending one-liner activated!

So this idea has been in my head since i first started this little old account.

But lets get to know each other shall we.

My name is Ella. I'm from Texas so thats where this is taking place and its currently only 61 degress here so just imagine how hot it is in September (when this is taking place) Please leave feedback because it will just warm my coldblooded heart.

So question: whats your favorite season? Mines fall because I have an excuse to wear beanies without it being too cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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