Their meeting

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Just a note if I use inverted commas (")then it means they are on the phone or talking to each other, if I use bold then it is something important or it is a authors note

Dream and Gorge had known each other for years now and they figured it was about time they had their get together.

They had been planning this for months but they never actually did it, for they didn't want anything to change between them.

It would be 2 weeks until Gorge would be flown to the US and they couldn't wait to see each

Dream sat on his bed "ugh gorge I can't stop thinking about you,just leave me and my thoughts alone" suddenly he gets a call and looks at his phone "great timing" he picks it up

"Hey dreammmm I wanted to make sure that I'm staying at your house when I get there" "of course gorge we talked about this so many times already"dream giggles "yes I know but I don't want to get in your way or irritate you at all"

Dream changes his tone to make it almost sympathetic for his friend to reassure him "gorge if I thought about you like that we would never be friend and plus I'm looking forward to being alone with you~" "ew dream even off camera you are the same wierdo as always" dream wheezes "what's that supposed to mean!" "You know what I mean dream"

"We'll make sure you pack all your stuff gorgie" "oh god don't call me that" they both share a good laugh with each other and end up talking for half and hour "well I should probably go feed my cat" "same, patches has been nagging me for like a minute now"

"Ok well I loved talking with you dream and thanks again for letting me stay with you" "it's my pleasure gorge and I loved talking to you aswell, and I'll see you in two weeks" "yep byeeee" then the call ended.

Sorry for the interruption but I'm going to change it so that when they are thinking it will be inside this * for example *I wonder what I should eat for dinner* ok thanks enjoy the rest of this chapter :D

*he loved talking to me hm... no no no no dream get your mind off of him and just go get something to eat* dream walked out his room to the kitchen where he filled patches' bowl and got himself a bag of chips.

Considering he couldn't get his mind off of gorge he decided to call Sapnap his other best friend. Sapnap and dream had known each other for years and Sapnap knew everything about dream.

(Ring ring, ring ring) "oh come on Sapnap pick up the phone.." "Heyyyy dream" "Sapnap! Thank god you picked up" "why? What's wrong? Are you ok?" " yes I'm ok" dream slightly giggles "just ugh it's kinda cringe" " let me guess your gay ass can't stop thinking about your one true love......Gorgie~" "well when you put it like that I sound weird" they both laugh

"Well to be fair you are weird either way" dream rolled his eyes even tho he knew Sapnap couldn't see him "how dare you roll your eyes at me!" "Wait what the hell!? How did you even know I rolled my eyes" "I have my ways" " and you call me the weird one"

Dream and Sapnap had been on the phone for quite a while and dream remembered something important "oh yeah and he is comming to stay with me for a month" "wait really?! How long until he gets there?" "2 more weeks that's also part of the problem of why I can't stop thinking about him, because I know he's gonna be here soon"

"So where is he going to stay?" " with me but like he's probably straight so don't worry nothing is going to happen" Sapnap could tell that dream sounded almost sad " well I wouldn't bet on it..." " what do you mean?" "Oh shit uhh nothing forget I said that"

Sapnap then hung up the phone but dream on the other hand was very confused. *why did he say that,what did he mean,why doesn't he want to tell me?* there were so many different thoughts going on in his mind but he just decided to sleep it off.

In the morning dream went to the kitchen and saw the bag of chips he didn't end up eating *well I have to make myself something now because I haven't eaten in a while* he was making himself a sandwich when he remembered what Sapnap had said.

(Ring ring,ring ring) " yeah dude what's up?" " Sapnap what did you mean last night?" " wait I'm confused" " when you said I wouldn't bet on it, what did you mean" "ohhhh that uhm well I meant what I said 'I wouldn't bet on it' that's exactly what I mean" " yes but it makes no sense"

"Think about it some more you'll eventually figure it out" " no Sapnap I- I can't I don't know okay" " dream." " yes?" " I know that you're smart just think about it I promise if you ask me what you think it means and you get it right I'll tell you"

" ok yeah that sounds fair sorry for bugging you" " you are no bug dream but just trust me, you'll figure it out" then dream hung up, finnished making his sandwich and sat on the couch.

Patches could sense his frustration so she sat  next to him. Dream had no idea what Sapnap meant but he really wanted to know. *this guy really says something out of the blue and expects me to forget it*

After an hour dream realizes what he meant. " wait is he, ###?" He tried to phone Sapnap again but his phone was dead so he had to wait until morning to ask him. If he was right thought he wouldn't ask Gorge.

Thank you guys for reading this, it is my first time writing so I hope you enjoyed it and I will try to update it as often as possible :)

(There are 21 paragraphs and 1000 words in total)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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