Chapter 1

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She and Dean would always watch a movie together before they would go to bed. It was something of a tradition they had. After a case they would pick a movie and watch it in Deans room seeing as he had the bigger T.V.. More often than not Dean would falls asleep before the end of the show leaving Y/N to turn it off before heading to her own room. Given the hard work he put into hunts and the fact that he'd usually be the one to drive them all home afterwards, it's not like he hadn't earned it. Y/N would rarely wait till the end of the show once she realized Dean had fallen asleep. She would silently turn off the T.V. and retreat to her room, but tonight was different.
She had dozed off slightly, still chiming in at the louder moments of the show or when Dean would laugh. After a while she could hear the credits roll as Dean lifted a blanket over her shoulders. Y/N was in the state were she was aware of her surroundings but could bring herself to move or make any noise so there was no point in trying to get up. She felt Dean slide down I put his head to his pillow, the blankets rustled slowly as Dean made an effort to stay quiet as not to wake her. The movie had fished and the lights had been turned off and now, as she trailed off once again soothed by Deans breathing, he followed closely behind her, the both of them drifting off in tandem.
The dream, or more so dreams she had, were ones she had been familiarized too. Hunter dreams, one could called them. Images of monsters and ghosts, angels and demons, blood, death and deals. But she had a favourite. It was always the last she would have before waking up, which was fitting considering how many times he'd saved her in real life.
Y/Ns last and favourite dream was of Dean. The dreams plot was typically different front the last but he was consistent in his appearance. Dean was always there. Y/N hadn't gotten that far in her dream cycle though. Not tonight.
She was awakened suddenly by a cry coming from behind her. The frightened girl spun over in her spot distinguishing Dean as he gripped the pillow he was sleeping on in the darkness that surrounded them. It had taken her a moment to realize she had stayed in Deans bed. He had been whimpering for minutes as she tried to shake him out of his nightmare.
"Dean — Dean! Please wake up Dean. It's just a dream come on wake up, please Dean, please." He finally woke, startlingly quick and flipped her over and pinning down her wrist. Growling, his face inches from her, anger in his eyes, his grip tight on her arms. She was terrified. Looking up at one of the only people she trust, she spoke cautiously as not to startle him further, apprehensive of the situation she was in.
"Dean? It's's Y/N" his eyes began to soften and grip loosen, "It was just a bad dream Dean, you're okay, you're safe." Her voice was barely over a whisper. Dean moved his hands from her wrists, that had been left red from the tight grip he had them in, too along side her, lowering his head to her shoulder as he brought himself closer to her body. He slowly rested himself on Y/Ns body hugging her desperately. She reciprocated the embrace reaching up around to him to hug him back slowly and hesitantly. She felt him shutter. It shattered her heart into a million pieces knowing that Dean was so broken, seeing only now how well he had cover it up around every one else.
"Shit! — I'm sorry" he sobbed still resting his head on her shoulder.
"Dean, it's okay, hey, don't worry about it, okay?" he nuzzled closer to her pulling her in tight. All she could do was close her eyes and hug him back, gripping tightly to his shirt. The set of them stayed there for a very long time. So long, in fact, that Y/N had pondered the possibility that he had maybe fallen back to sleep though she knew he hadn't, she could still feel the rigidity in his body. At once, Dean lifted his head and body off of her, turning away from her instantly.
"I'm sorry — this was — I- I really shouldn't have put that on you. I'm sorry I kept you here, you probably want to go to your own room and sleep. And I'm sorry for scaring you, really I didn't mean to hurt you it was— I'm sorry." He had sat up against the head board avoiding eye contact, starring blankly at the sheets on his lap. Y/N sat up turning to face him, her shoulders leaning against the headboard. He looked exhausted.
"How long have you been having nightmares?" He didn't say anything. "Dean?" She whispered sliding her hand over his in an instinctively gesture of reassurance. He looked up at her when she did so, making her pull away quickly in realization.
"Sorry." He turned away again touching his own hand now were hers was just seconds ago. "I've always had nightmares. Ever since I was a kid." he looked like he was holding back tears, though she didn't mention it. Dean was the 'Tough Guy' who would never shed a tear, which to Y/N made her even more worried about him in that moment, though he had just cried on her shoulder an instant ago.
"Every night?"  She question. he shrugged as he reached up to drag his hand down over his face, bringing the potential tears with it.
"Most nights. That is, when I manage to fall asleep."
Y/N looked at him and all she wanted to do was hug him again, tighter, never letting go.
"I always left before they would come wouldn't I?" He smirked sadly and nodded still looking down. "Can I be honest with you Y/N?" He had straightened out but still hadn't look her in the eyes.
"Always, Dean that's what I'm here for." He paused for a second figuring out how to piece together his through to make a comprehendible statement.
"I pretend." She didn't understand what he was getting at and so she didn't answer hoping he would elaborate. He did so, after glancing at her briefly, almost as though he was looking for someone he knew was already there, he just had to make sure.
"On our movie nights... I pretend to fall asleep. I pretend so that you leave. That way you don't have to witness what you did tonight. I'm sorry. And then tonight... I didn't want to wake you. I figured maybe I'd be okay tonight. Guess I was wrong." He was looking down at his covers again.
"Dean, that doesn't even makes sense. Why would you pretend if I'd have left after the movie anyway." He made a 'good point' frown and nodded his head.
"I just- I didn't want to accidentally fall asleep before you and have this whole situation happen. I was trying to avoid this and it worked." He looked disappointed but Y/N could tell it was with himself.
"Dean why wouldn't you have just said you're too tired for our movie nights. It's not like I would have blamed you I mean you deserve a little rest." He looked up to her quickly with a desperate expression on his face.
"No! I don't — I love our movie nights Y/N, they're great I don't wanna stop having them and —" he sighed his look saddening again as her turned away from her. "Maybe you're right. I shouldn't put you in that kind of situation, I'm sorry."
"Hey! Don't make this about me, if you like our movie night then we'll keep 'em going. They're sorta the highlight of my day anyway. I don't care that you have issue Winchester. I can deal with that but don't shut me out because you're scared of what's behind the door. We can open it together, I'm not ditching you because you have nightmares." Y/Ns confession had done a great deal to lighten the mood. He was looking at her now and not just quick glances, he was holding eye contact. "Why don't you go back to sleep Dean, try to get some rest, I'll stay here, watch over you." She shrugged rubbing Deans shoulder in hopes of calming him and easing him into saying 'yes'.
"No!" It didn't work. "It'll just happen again either you leave or I'm not going to sleep." He looked exhausted, pleading for her not to insist or her proposition any further.
"You can't be sure it'll happen again Dean, who knows maybe your subconscious will be put at ease with knowing someones there for you." She was making a good case though he wasn't convinced.
"Don't you think that would have worked earlier."  Indeed he had a point but Y/N seemed to think otherwise.
"No, because earlier you went to sleep thinking you had to protect me, now you can go to sleep while I protect you." Dean looked more and more convinced with every word she said but never entirely persuade. "Dean you're drained, you need to sleep, okay. If anything happens then I promise, I promise, I won't push you any further. But you don't know until you try."
After a pause and without a word Dean lay down pulling the covers up his chest, arms resting over himself, stiff as a board. He was too caught up with scenarios ruining through his head to notice Y/N triumphant smile. She didn't move from her spot, leaning against the head board watching Dean. His eye had yet to close for more than the split second it took to blink and Y/N couldn't help by find his stubbornness endearing as annoying as it might have been.
"Sleep Dean, you're safe, I'm here."
"Thats what I'm worried about." He side eyed her or more so looked up to her without moving a singled tensed muscle. Y/N, without a word, took hold of his hand interlacing his with her own and leaving it in his chest.
"Sleep Dean." Little did she know how much her hand in his relaxed him. Not that Dean had seen it coming but it was a reassuring gesture that took his mind off the occupying thoughts. Slowly but surely the burdened man that lay next to her fell into a restful sleep, Y/N not far behind. Her eyes drifted closed steadily as she lay on her side watching Deans chest rise and fall, their fingers still interlocked.
Dean was skeptical of the idea to begin with but was in utter shock when he woke to Y/Ns alarm going off on her phone. To be fair, Y/N wasn't entirely convinced of the plan either but acted as those she believe to keep Dean from reacting poorly to her staying. Dean hastily turned off the blaring noise that persisted next to his ear before turning to face Y/N, who's hand was still lazily holding his. Dean couldn't help but smile, admittedly well rested or at least more so then he would have been had she listened to him and left. She was moving around trying to conjure the will to open her eyes, which eventually she did, immediately gazing into Deans. She could identify a mild smile as they lay facing each other.
"Thank you." He squeezed her hand which she was only now realizing was still being held. "For staying...For being here for me, protecting me."
"That's what I'm here for...Was that my alarm?" He nodded at her still smiling. "We should get up. I want pizza." He chuckled at her sudden desire for Italian food.
"It's 9 am and you want pizza?"
"It was in my dream, we were eating pizza only it was really, really big and we couldn't finish it so we gave it to Sam who was actually a dog. It was weird, but now I want pizza." He watched her get up and pick up her belongings as she explained.
"That sounds like and awesome dream."
"How about you? More nightmares?"
"Actually, no. For the first time in God knows how long; no nightmares. I didn't dream of anything as a matter of fact, which I'm considering a huge win. Y/N, really, thank you."
"No need to thank me Dean, it's the least I could do. I'm just glad it worked and you managed to get a little shut eye."
"Shut eye! Are you kidding me I feel like I slept a full 8 hours!"
"Thats 'cause you did. We got home around 7, ate dinner, the movie stared at around 9 ish, you had your nightmare at around midnight and it didn't take you very long to fall back asleep once you allowed yourself to relax Dean. You were passed out by 1 at the latest and woke up to the alarm 8 hours later."
Dean looked astonished and overjoyed that he had managed to stay asleep for 8 hours.
"That's — wow! I slept!" Y/N couldn't help but laugh as Deans good mood and the childish grin on his face. "What do say I get you that pizza, huh? As a way of thanking you."
"Dean I already told — no you know what, ya I want pizza, let's go." She said as she marched out of his room set on heading to her own and changing out of her PJs.
"Okay but we're sharing! Y/N?" He yelled out after her, smiling to him self at the magic she pulled. Dean followed Y/Ns lead in getting changed and ready for the day.
They spent the day looking for cases and, with no luck, turned to the television to spare them of their boredom. Y/N and the brothers eventually called it a day after finishing the third or was it fourth movie together. Y/N made her way to her room, as did the boys, to put on PJs after showering. She made her way back to the bathroom to brush her teeth and waved Sam goodnight as he slid into his room. There was a knock on the door and Y/N opened it, halfway through brushing her pearly whites, revealing a shy looking Dean.
"Cah I hell ou?" Deans expression went from shy to confused in just under a second.
"What?" Y/N took the tooth brush out of her mouth and spit out the rest.
"I said can I help you."
"No you didn't you said kahlalala ooo"
"Shut up, what do you want?" They laughed in unison before Dean settled down resorting back to the shy demeanour he initially had.
"I — Well I was sorta hopping that maybe, you know if you're cool with it, that maybe you could come to my room and possibly stay there with me again tonight — I mean —"
"Are you asking me to sleep with you?" She found her joke funny enough, unfortunately Dean was too worried about asking her in the first place that he panicked.
"No! Well, yes, technically but that not what I meant! I was just—"
"Dean, oh my god, relax, I was just teasing. Of course I will, in fact I was about to head over to your room once I finished in here to see if you wanted company again tonight."
"You were?"
"Right, yeah, okay."
"Are we good?'
"Yeah, yeah, super good."
"Okey dokey then Dean-o, let's go"
Dean made a face to express his disapproval at the nickname she had appropriated for him as they made their way to his bed room and successively got into bed. Once under the covers Dean spoke, voicing his natural uncertainties.
"Are you sure about this?"
"As long as you wear a condom." Dean turned his head to face her, unamused by her joke, a frown on his face. She looked to him while doing her best to hid the smirk on her face though falling miserably.
"Hey, you asked me here Dean."
"Y/N — what if I loose it tonight what I was just lucky last night."
"Do you want to hold my hand?" Dean paused before answering.
"Would that be okay" Without answering Y/N lifted her hand for Dean to take and he did.
"Sleep, Dean. You'll be fine."
She was right once again. Dean awoke around four in the morning still holding Y/Ns hand, his body and in turn face mere inches from hers. He hasn't managed to sleep in due to the 8 hours the night before and the uneventful day. He watched as she slept soundly. An hour passed before Dean decide to move, kissing her forehead after whispering a 'Thank you, sweetheart.'

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