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art by @/ereri_company on twitters

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art by @/ereri_company on twitters

Nature, A lovely and primary need to survive in this world.

A beautiful sight to see, habitat to many types of flora and fauna. The smell of grass after rainfall was always pleasant. Every so often seeing a small critter peak through the tall grass or tree trunks. Usually a rabbit or doe of sorts, but they would quickly scatter after seeing another animated thing of sorts.

If you couldn't tell, (Y/N) (L/N) was a tree hugger through and through. She loved to be out and about the vast tree line. And she wouldn't have it any other way. Think of it like sleeping beauty, except the three fairies and dashing prince.

She lives in a small secluded cottage in the forest, alone. Casted out from her village after being accused for being a 'witch' because of her attraction to nature and the way animals approached her. What happened to her family? They believed the cruel words of their neighbours and cast her out afraid she would 'hex' them in their slumber.

Now, she lives far off into the forest she loved so dearly. Growing her own veggies and fruit, and for other needs and wants an old friend will come by the small home.

Bringing things like medicine, clothes and such. And occasionally, help collecting fire wood and hunting for meat. He was someone she'd known her whole life possibly, a man she trusted whole heartedly and now the only person who didn't cast her out. Elian Ryber. At first, he'd offer to be cast out along with her that she couldn't possibly collect enough firewood for the night what if a pack of wolves came by?

But, after a long debate he convinced him that he was more useful in the village. Better access to medicinal tools were she to catch a cold, clothes and blankets for winter time since neither of the two could sew, AND she'd allow him to visit to help with firewood and such whenever he dropped off materials.

She should have specified his 'visiting time' to a certain day at least, and he took full advantage of the lack of terms. He would either visit in early dawn or past midnight, almost every other day.

Some mornings helping her harvest veggies and filter water, others just helping prepare a meal. During late night, he would always cut too little firewood so he could come by sooner. He would even stay the night occasionally, but leave in the early morning before anyone woke. It was charming in its own way. Maybe you really were like sleeping beauty.

. . .

"Eli, I can pick the tomatoes myself!"

Eli, was picking the tomatoes with the biggest grin like a boy in a toy store. This was his third visit this week! You were starting to worry that the villagers were getting suspicious of him. As he graciously placed the ripe greens into the basket, your brows scrunched together in worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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