The End

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"Once I rose above the noise and confusion..."

There was a flash, and I heard Kansas playing.

My husband came behind me-I was sitting at my computer-and kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight, hon. Don't stay up too late."

Our boys trailed behind him. On the computer screen in front of me, the ending Chuck showed me glowed white in the darkness of my living room. I sat, dumbfounded, for what felt like hours. What had just happened? My husband was back and he seemed to think everything was fine. It was not fine! My ex shows up out of nowhere and zaps us out of existence? I couldn't wrap my head around it. But I didn't have to for very long. There was another flash as Kansas swelled more and then faded altogether from my head, a sound apparently only I could hear since Rod didn't say anything about it.

I stood up from my chair to confront the figure that appeared in front of me. A boy I could only describe as golden stood perfectly still in front of me. He looked to be between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one. A gasp exited my lungs, but before I could scream for Rod to come help me, the boy raised his hand in greeting.

"Hello. I"m Jack." He smiled and put his hand down.

"Hello, Jack. What are you doing in my house???" I thought about running to the kitchen for salt or rifling through my desk for the silver pencil case I keep just-in-case. I didn't spend a lot of time with Sam and Dean in person, but I'm not an idiot. I picked up a thing or two from Chuck's books. Jack looked at me with sincerity. I forgot about being afraid, curious about what he came for and who he was.

"I'm a friend of Sam and Dean's," he said. "There's a few things I need your help with."

"I don't understand." Sam and Dean needing my help? That didn't seem right. Why would they need me? They had made it pretty clear that they don't even like me.

"Here. This might be easier." Jack crossed around the side of the desk and put two fingertips to my forehead. I had visions flood through me, visions of Sam and Dean with so many different people. I saw Jack's story, how he was born and Sam, Dean, and Cas raised him like their own. Everything that happened from the end of Chuck's books to that moment swarmed in my head, even the parts I was there for. Then I saw Sam and Dean, smiling and bloody standing over Chuck and Jack taking his power away. When the visions cleared, I remembered Chuck's finale written on the computer in front of me.

"No," I told Jack. "If that just happened..."

Jack finished my sentence. "You know what happens next."

I skimmed Chuck's pages. Dean dying on a piece of rebar, Sam living ambiguously in misery, Covid-19 preventing anyone from being together, even in heaven. All of this would come to pass. Chuck's real ending. He knew he would lose, but Sam and Dean would suffer regardless. Chuck's ending was always this way. Hopeless. The fans will hate it. The only highlight at all was a shirtless Sam scene and Dean finally overcoming his thing about dogs.

"What can I do?" I would do anything for Sam and Dean. They don't have to like me. I love them. I've always loved them. Toxic behavior of my youth aside, as a fan, I still see so much of myself in them. My therapist helped me come to terms with that. I can project my feelings onto the story without the need to insert myself into it.

"When I took Chuck's powers, Sam and Dean told me to leave him at the lake. That didn't feel right. I came back for him and helped him find a place to live. We ended up talking for hours. It was nice to get to know him. Even if he did try to kill everyone. That part isn't important. I asked him what he would have done differently, and he said that he should have listened to you."

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