Chapter 1

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I'm not a virgin. Life fucked me.

" Ms Y/N! AND TAEHYUNG STOP EATING IN THE CLASS!! " It was the teacher who was scolding you and your best friend for no reason, like how can anyone live without food.

"I don't fucking care~" You sang as you walked out of the class while eating some chips.

"Yea I don't fucking care too" Taehyung sang as he followed you.

Until both of you bumped into a dumpling filled with anger.

"What the- not again Y/N and taehyung" Mr. Min said and he sighed as he picked up the files.

"Sorry Mr. Min, well we gotta run before Mr. Mark catch us and send us to a life long detention" You guys said and started running and hid behind the wall.

Mr. Min just chuckled as he is used to both of you fooling around.

"Mr.Min!! Have u seen those monkeys?" Mr. Mark our math teacher who just scolded you guys for

"Umm.... No Mr. Mark" Mr. Min said and walked away.

"Don't you think Mr. Min looks hot" Taehyung said as he was staring at Mr. Min's ass as he was walking.

"Stop being gay tae" You said as you gave him a disgusted look.

"Look I'm not gay u fool, I'm just telling what everyone is thinking about him" He said as he smacked your head.

"Idiot" You mumbled under my breath.

"Anyway did you hear about the new hot teacher and I heard that your father hired him, they say he is really strict and he doesn't let any girls flirt with him" Taehyung told you.

So you might have been wondering why you didn't expelled after you literally cursed at a teacher, well you are that rich kid who's father owns the school and all you do is fuck the rules.

"Ms Y/N and Mr.Taehyung to the Principals office , I repeat Ms Y/N and Mr. Taehyung to the janitors office right now. " The announcer announced.

"Y/N this the 5th time this week" Taehyung whined.

"Shut up tae, let's just go" You said and dragged him.

As you entered the principals office you saw your father the great Kim Nam joon constantly sighing and Murmuring random shit and cuss words and your fathers best friend and PA Seok jin standing beside your father and admiring your fathers hotness, well he had you at 16 so he is one fine ass man, your mom died with cancer when you were 6 months old and your teen father raised you all alone with the help of seok jin.

"Finally!" He said as he noticed your presence.

"What now dad~" You whined with disinterest in your voice as you already know your father calls you for telling you random shit about life.

"Since you are not obeying Mr. Mark, I decided to change your class teacher" He said as you were stunned by his words.

"Wait what are you serious!! " You and taehyung exclaimed

"Yes, let me introduce you to Mr. Park, please come in Mr. Park" Nam joon said as a hot ass man in his 20's entered the room.

You were stunned by his handsomeness.

He was wearing a white button up shirt with some jeans on and some round glasses.

Talking about his handsome face he had flawless skin and cute kissable lips and blue-gray hair and even though he was just a few inches taller than you ,he looked like an angel to your eyes.

"Hello, I'm jimin your new teacher" he said as he extended his hand to shake, u shyly took his cute hand and shook
It and he suddenly whispered something into your ear which made shivers run through your spine.

"They say I'm strict Y/N but I'm going to be really smooth with your virgin ass, did u get me baby girl, like really smooth~"

"So Y/N jimin will also be home tutoring you from today and jimin I hope you will make Y/N improve her grades " Your father said with his dimple smile plastered on his face.

"Of course Mr. Kim, I will take of her grades" Jimin said while giving a genuine smile.

"The fun starts now Y/N"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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