Horrible people in this world!

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“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

This qoute relates to the novel Hoot because mother Paula wants to build Mother Paula's Pancakes House. She doesnt care that she is going to kill a group of endagerd species which are the baby owls that are staying there.People like that are heartless they just dont care about anything. This qoute is saying that some people have everything they need but still want more. I can kinda refer to this quote because my uncle is sometimes like that he has alot of money but he doesnt take a break he works alot. But he thinks that all the money he has its not enough for his family. He thinks its not enough money to give his daughters but now he knows. People like that sometimes get into a bad situation and just need help someone to tell that they have enough money that they should help out everybody else in the world that dont have anything. Those people just need some advice they need to go to therapy  to get someone to help them. I say this becuase sooner or later everybody is going to think that they are selfish heartless and a horrible person.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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