New school, new start

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"Come on you two, you can't be late for your first day at school," shouted Bethany Wilson from the lovely and warm shower she was having. "I'm up, I'm up" came the tired reply of Cory. While gathering his stuff ready to go into the bathroom once his older and bossier sister was finished.

Jordan however was a different story, merely grunting with absolutely no intention of getting up and definitely NOT going to this new and stupid school.

Suddenly Jordan felt a freezing cold splash of water be thrown onto his face. He opened his eyes abruptly to see his sister stood over him, a look of annoyance plastered on her face. As Cory stood in the door way brushing his teeth and laughing almost as hysterically as a hyena. Bethany turned round as she tried to tell the now spluttering Cory off but a huge smile began to form on her youthful face. 'The last time I saw him properly laugh like that was when mum was here' I thought to myself, and sure enough all three of us were now contagiously laughing together.

That was until dad started shouting at us about shutting up and leaving him to sleep still heavily intoxicated with last nights alcohol. We all did what he said and began to get ready to go. Worry replacing the joyous moment as all of us knew NOT to get on the wrong side of dad when he was still drunk AND had a huge hangover.

Soon we were ready to leave as we walked quickly to our new school- Jordan slightly in front of Cory and Bethany on his bike. Hurrying up so as not to be late on their first day of school and work.

What's the reason that they were going to this new school? You may be asking. Well, their old school has been merged with a mainly Asian school to try to bring diversity to Ackley. Neither of the boys really cared about this new school and would much rather just be in their old school. Bethany however was completely different to the boys as this was an amazing chance which wouldn't have been available had the schools not merged and needed lots more staff in the process.


Finally they had made it to school and just on time as the bell was due to go any minute. "Morning Wilson's" came the slightly amused greeting to Jordan, Cory and Beth from Miss.Carter (the new headteacher) who was very surprised to see that they hadn't turned up  as late as expected. "Morning miss" came the unenthusiastic reply of Jordan and Cory, while a more happier "morning" was said by Bethany.

"Hurry to your forms now" Bethany told them sternly making it known they were not to skip it.
"Cor you're in form 12G, Jords you're in form 11C. Please try to behave and any problems come straight to me. I'll be somewhere near PE okay?" She told them more than asked, "And don't start fighting- both of you. Please!" She said going from bossy to concerned in an instant.
"We'll try Bee" Cory replied, while Jordan just nodded. With that she let them go as she needed to get ready for her first ever class as a proper PE teacher.


I just wanted to say thanks for reading.
This is my first ever book, so please comment and vote what you think.
XOX 💜🧡💙

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