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Envisioning a world where the sun never shone, where birds never sang and where mirrors showed the absolute worst in a person was difficult for some, easier for others, or perhaps never even crossed another's mind. After all, each man's utopia was different...some more simplistic than others.

This particular story belongs to two boys specifically, and the other teenagers surrounding them who's reflections are demonic and ugly. The outside looks pretty at first, just typical natural beauty living on through youthful bodies...but what festers on the inside is far more disgusting.

We shall start off with seventeen year old Lee Donghyuck. His entire existence could be called one massive tragedy, really. Beneath the horrendous tortured skin, and shine-less eyes was a once pretty boy with a smile that hadn't existed in a very long time. His mirror was too honest to him, reflecting an ugly, weak person with no spine to hold him up. He existed for the sake of existing, and the poor boy couldn't even tell why.

"C'mon, you big baby," that horrible, taunting voice sneered from above him as he shielded his possibly unsalvageable face from any further hits. Another kick landed against his ribs, and then a scratch to his arms, followed by spit reaching his hair.

Donghyuck's eyes burned painfully with tears that he was fairly certain were borrowed at this point. After a while, he'd decided that one person could only cry so much...so these crystal streams that flooded his ducts must've belonged to someone who didn't need them.

Someone who could smile with genuine honesty.

"You're so fucking weak, you know that?!" Yes, he knew that, and so another attempt at pulling his arms came. The cruelly handsome male above him came crouching down to sit on Donghyuck's waist and pin his trembling arms above his head. He had hair as black as the night's devious sky. His eyes were alight with menacing, evil intent, and those lips he used to speak trash to his sister with were curved into a manic smile.

This man in his early twenties was Donghyuck's soon-to-be brother in law. He was worse than any child's nightmare, because he was real. The unfortunate honey-blonde boy struggling against his grip was his frequent victim, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it, for not a soul would aid him.

"Lost your voice? Come on, Princess, I know you're chattier than this," he teased. This incredible asshole's name was Choi Rijun, and yes, he was hiding this despicable secret from everyone.

"I-I have school tomorrow..." Hyuck uttered out with an exceedingly noticeable tremor to his tone. His whole body ached and burned without the necessary time it needed to heal, and he just knew walking around the halls would be absolute hell the next day.

"So? That's not really my problem, now is it?"

You're just fucking lucky my parents don't care about me! Oh if only he had enough confidence to voice his bolder opinions. His legs slid about beneath Rijun, his desperate attempts to try, falling by the wayside as his cheeks burned from every knock. The other was merciless, and only got worse with every time he did this. Each night he was over, the sadistic thirst he seemed to have only grew.

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now