When she was born🥺

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Discord and fluttershy both cuddling in each others arms as they both were starting to wake up but of course both the love birds woke up looking at each others eyes both smiled at each other "good morning beautiful.." discord said while stroking her mane. Fluttershy smiled and put her head to his chest nuzzling her nuzzle in his fur "good morning love" discord rested his head on hers " did you sleep alright sweetheart" he whispered fluttershy look up at him with tired eyes "y-yeah I guess.." discord ears fell as a look of concern came upon his face "why? Where there not enough pillows? Did we not cuddle enough or did we cuddle to much?" Fluttershy giggled "no dissy I just kept waking up that's-" discord's eyes widened he placed his hands on her shoulders "hunny are you ok!?" Discord exclaimed fluttershy began breathing heavily beginning to panic "shy what's wrong with you...talk to me hun!" Fluttershy looked up at him with tears in her eyes "I-it's time!" Discord's eyes widened again "n-now!? But it's to early!? We have two months left till your due honey!!" Fluttershy began heavily painting feeling the sharp pains which this only made her frustrated "discord!! Please I need this baby out!! It hursts hun!!!" Discord sat up with her in his arms "ok ok hold on a sec ok just keep breathing sweetie"

"Come on miss shy push a little more!" The doctor begged while Fluttershy tried her best she began to give up "I-I can't" discord held her hoof tightly "yes you can shy" he lifted his paw to crease her cheek whipping her tears away fluttershy nodded and went back to work "alright miss shy big push!" "AHHHHHHHH!!!"
  "Congratulations miss shy it's a-" the doctor was interrupted by the rest of the five and spike "WHAT IS IT!!" Pinkie said with exhilaration the nurse giggled at this "it's a girl"  all the girls smiled and surrounded Fluttershy as the nurse cleaned the baby off completely she wrapped her in a blanket and handed the baby to Fluttershy.
Both flutter shy and discord smiled seeing there beautiful girl "awwwww!" The girl's adored "she's beautiful darling!" Rarity said placing her hoof on shys shoulder "indeed she is.." discord said he then nuzzled shys cheek "just like her mother" both blushed and smiled.. "oh could we.." discord continued but fluttershy knew what he was going to say  "yeah let's see" they both unfolded the blanket both looked in awe at what there little one looked like.

" discord continued but fluttershy knew what he was going to say  "yeah let's see" they both unfolded the blanket both looked in awe at what there little one looked like

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"Oh discord she's.. she's" "perfect" discord finished "absolutely perfect" discord nuzzled her cheek again looking down at there daughter they then noticed something again "dissy her eyes!" Fluttershy exclaimed discord looked in awe at what he saw... her eyes we two different colors one of red like her fathers and the other one like her mothers.

"She just gets more cuter and cuter" discord said the baby giggled at this more looking at discord only made her more happy "gah!" Discord smiled and leaned in a little as shy picked her up "well hello princess" "gah ha!" The baby giggled again she then reached up to his nose discord helped by placing his nuzzle down for her to grab..
Fluttershy smiled "her hold her honey" discord's eyes widened "uh i don't know shy I-" "hold your daughter daddy" fluttershy placed her in his arms gently he then held the little foal a gentle as possible " uh hey my.." the little one  smiled and reached his nuzzle discord's ears fell as he fell in absolute bliss "my little princess" discord nuzzled her "my beautiful princess!" Fluttershy giggled "looks like our little girl loves you" discord smiled and nuzzled fluttershys cheek the both of them smiled looking at her "and I love her.." discord then kissed his daughters forehead "I absolutely love her"

(Hope you guys like this so far not very good with writing but I did my best also hope u like my art I put in this!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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