Ishimondo x Reader: Mondo's Turn

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  The proposition was...strange, to say the least, but how could you decline? You'd been crushing on Taka since freshman year of highschool, and now here he is, asking you to date him. The interesting part is, Mondo and him were fucking on the side. As taken aback as you were, it really was no surprise. I mean, they spent an hour alone in a sauna! You would be lying if you said the thought didn't make you drool...
  You said yes without much thought. Mondo and you were already considered friends, so throwing him into the mix wasn't much of a problem. It took some time to get used to, but once your dynamic was settled, you knew it was one of the best decisions you've ever made.
  They were never boring, so hanging out with them was basically guaranteed to be a good time. Taka was definitely your number one priority, but having Mondo as a good friend was an unexpected, but welcome, benefit.
  You and Mondo had grown closer since your relationship started. He came over almost every day, and usually brought food and video games. If taka was there, you would watch a movie and chat about your respective days, but if it was just you and Mondo, you'd discuss your...endeavors.
  "Last time was amazing. He really gave it to me good, which he only does when he's desperate." You revealed.
  Mondo took a sip from his drink, while he registered what you said. He suddenly raised his eyebrows.
  "Wait, you let HIM be the dom? Taka, being dominant?"
  He leaned over the table, his face inches away from yours.
  "I'd fuckin' destroy you, ya know that?"
  ...Oh, right. Tension between you two had also grown. When you first joined them in their relationship, they made it clear that you and Mondo were also free to fool around with each other. While having that freedom was nice, you never really imagined having that compatibility with Mondo.
  Despite that, Mondo was an amazing flirt. He seemed to know exactly what to say to light you on fire.
  You felt your face heat up after what he said. You bit your lip and looked away, preventing a nervous chuckle from escaping.
  Just as you were about to reply, Taka burst through the front door.
  "Hey, guys! I-"
  He saw you and mondo, inches apart, and your face was a bright red.
  "Am I...interrupting something?" He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled. He knew there was some chemistry between you and mondo, and wanted to see it play out. Mondo sat back down first.
  "Nothin' at all, babe. What did you get?" He shot a wink at you, before directing his attention to the paper bag Taka had placed on the table.
  "Just some movie snacks from the grocery store. I was hoping we'd watch this?"
  He dug under the various bags of chips and popcorn, and pulled out a movie. You recognized it from the cover.
  Oh, I saw the trailer for this one. It's a...murder-mystery, right?"
  Taka's crimson eyes lit up.
  "Y-Yeah! It just came out on DVD, I've been waiting to watch it with you guys..." He looked away, his cheeks tinted pink.
  Mondo let his head roll back, and let out a quiet groan.
  "Man, I'm too dumb for this kinda movie..."
  You laughed.
  "Aww, but that's what makes it fun! Being along for the ride, and seeing the story unravel with every twist is what makes a mystery great! The more lost you get, the better."
  Taka nodded, and looked to Mondo. You couldn't see his face, but you could tell he was making puppy-dog eyes. He made them at you if you didn't wanna do chores, or go to sleep with him. Sure enough, they had an almost immediate effect on the biker. He leaned forward, and rested his chin on the heel of his hand.
  "...Arright, I'll watch it. But don't get mad when I ask questions!"
  Taka grinned, and held back an excited squeal. He practically jogged to the TV to put on the movie.


  As the credits began to roll, you finally let the tears you were holding in roll down your cheeks. The genre was mystery, but the acting managed to hit you right in the feels. You looked to your left, and saw Taka wiping his eyes with his button-up. The dark splotches on his shirt made you feel less embarrassed of the emotion you were displaying. You turned to the right, where a seemingly unaffected Mondo sat, a content smile playing on his lips. The ending was a happy one, albeit very bittersweet.
  It was at this point you realized Mondo had his arm around you. Your eyes widened. You two had shared physical affection before, usually in the form of hugging before he left, and playfully punching each other. You had been fine with that level of contact, but this made you...really happy.
  Taka squeezed your hand affectionately. You turned back to him, and saw him beaming, his ruby eyes darting between you and Mondo. You looked away and laughed, your face beginning to turn red. Mondo raised his eyebrows.
  "'S this okay?" He asked, not looking away from the TV.
  "More than okay." Your grip on Taka's hand tightened, as you leaned against Mondo.
  You spent the rest of the night watching YouTube, and devouring the snacks. Saturday was basically a day to pig out, as you three, and Chihiro, had a fairly strict workout routine and diet. So, eating one and a half bags of chips, two bags of popcorn, and drinking half a bottle of soda wouldn't wreck your fragile bodies, so long as you brushed your teeth afterwards (Taka wouldn't allow anything else).
  Since Mondo came over, he took the couch, simply because there wasn't enough room for the three of you in the bed. Mondo would normally go home, but he was letting Leon crash at his house for a while, allowing him to dogsit in his absence.

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