It all started on a speedy day. Sonic roamed around for rings but what he was really chasing was love.
It was a cold Thursday on February 10th, 2011. Sonic was going about his business in the street of Brooklyn, going from street to street trying to find any job he could find. Sonic was ill-prepared for any work, he's done nothing in life to get a real job, all he does is chase those damn rings. Sonic lives under a highway just trying to stay alive, all this chasing and these rings don't mean shit.
Sonic finally lands a job at a bodega cleaning up, money goes straight to drugs. Addictions to these drugs to get a quick feeling of happiness and hopefulness, hoping maybe it can take away the void of having no one to love. He just wanted to feel loved and appreciated. Day to day sonic goes to work, week by week he gets the paycheck, month by month he loses himself.
Sonic like to believe everything is fine, he's overdosed 7 times already, it's only April. Struggling to stay alive he tells himself he will stop but goes back to the drugs. Losing veins and feeling he starting injecting the heroin to his toes, He needs a savior.
Its June. The hot summer days go by, Sonic is unemployed again, he now works for his drug dealers because he's so far into debt, he makes a good living now but not one you would like to win. Trades in the dirty money for drugs and prostitutes and wonders if this is the day he ends it all, but always lives to see another day. As he walks down the street he sees an old friend from high school, its knuckles.
And this is where the story begins.