My Ridiculous Crush || Fred Weasley

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A/n: This is my first time ever writing a series of one-shots so if this is terrible I'm actually so sorry. 


Warnings: Fluff


It's the first day of your 5th year at Hogwarts. You can't wait to finally see your friends and best friends, Fred and George Weasley. You've had a crush on Fred for quite some time but you're scared he doesn't feel the same way so you've never dared to tell anyone about it knowing it'll spread around Hogwarts within minutes. George figured out you had a crush on his twin by the way you act around Fred, so he teases you when you two are around, knowing that you have a crush on him but never exactly pointing it out.

You walked into the great hall to see all the first years getting sorted. You spotted the two ginger twins and ran over to them. "Hey, guys!" you whisper-shouted so the sorting ceremony wouldn't be interrupted. George whipped his head around to see you running towards him and his twin. "Y/N! It's been years since I last saw you!" He whispered. You glared at him letting out a giggle, "George It's been two months you Imbecile". George smiled and whispered, "Has it?" He turned around and nudged his half awake-half asleep lookalike. "Freddie, Your lover is here" He whispered in his ear. Fred Immediately shot up and looked at you, his face turning a light shade of Pink. "Y/N... y/n/n Hey! How's it been?" He said in a nervous voice. You giggled slightly, "Hey Fred, It's been okay I guess." You nervously scratched the back of your neck.

-After the sorting ceremony-

Fred gestured you to sit down in between him and George. You accepted the kind gesture and sat down, after a few moments George asked, "So... Y/N, are you trying out for the team this year?" You were too busy thinking about Fred and quickly replied "What team?" George grinned, knowing you were thinking about his twin. "The Quidditch team you absentminded dork," George said. "The Quiddi- Oh! The Quidditch team!" you laughed nervously. "Mhm, So are you?" he asked. "Yea, I don't think I'll make the team tho," you responded. Fred chimed in "Why do you think that y/n/n?" Fred was the only one that called you by your nickname, although you found it annoying sometimes you thought it was fairly cute. You smiled, "Because everyone on the quidditch team hates me for the prank I pulled on them third year." you told them. 

Fred laughed, "Not gonna lie what you did was-" George finished his sentence. "Pretty brutal". In third year you had jinxed the Gryffindor player's brooms so they would go berserk, injuring and making them lose the match against Slytherin house.

You sighed, "Oi shut up up you prat!" you smacked Fred in the arm. Fred winced and smirked, "You're hot when you're mad".  You laughed, realization hitting you like a train, Your eyes widened "Did you just call me hot?!" Fred lowered his head from embarrassment realizing he just called his best friend or shall I say crush, hot. George cackled, "Hey Fred, while you're at it why don't you invite her into your dorm too". 

Your jaw dropped not being able to speak. Fred smacked his brother on the head "Shut up!" George smiled and raised his hands up innocently, "Only joking" You sat there speechless but with your mouth closed this time. You had, had enough of this. "Fred?" you asked. He looked at you, his pupils dilating. "Yes y/n/n?" you looked him in the eyes. "Do you- erm... like me?". He sighed "Yes, I do. I have since 2nd year." You smiled, finally being able to tell him how you feel. "I like you too Fred," He grinned and kissed you on the lips. 

You were shocked at first and then eventually kissed him back. He asked, "So does that mean that we-" You shut him up before he could even finish his sentence. "Yes. It does," You kissed him again finally getting what you've wanted for the longest time. George whistled "Now, now, Let's not get this too heated." You pulled away and glared at George, letting out a laugh. It was only your first day, but this first day, in particular, was your favorite. You had finally gotten together with Fred and that was the only thing on your mind in that moment.

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