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"And this is the main corridor where what we like to call 'the pulse' of the school beats. Lunchtimes can get pretty messy if you don't know how to navigate this hall, so I'd suggest waiting ten minutes before even attempting the rush, okay?" The quirky raven-haired boy named Chenle explained, arm waving about wildly as he attempted to describe the school.

"So....it's a stampede at lunchtime. Gotcha," Mark Lee, the new transfer student here, and the first they'd had in a long while hummed. His ears were tuned in for everything, hoping like hell that fitting in wouldn't be so hard.

But this was high school. Realistically, everything was hard.

The hallways that had previously been commented on were pretty dark, shadows creeping across the walls eerily along with 'motivational' posters baring intensely menacing faces. Their eyes, through the darkness, seemed black and foreboding, desperately crying for a light to be shone where their beauty would return. These accessories matched with the cabinets of old, dusty trophies and certificates sent a strange chill up the teen's spine, to which he didn't ignore.

Mark tried not to overlook anything.

"Um, let's see..." Chenle started to think to himself as he led the newest member of the student body through the building. "We've seen the labs, the gym, the home economics kitchens.....is there a subject you're particularly biased towards? Perhaps art or something?"

"Well....not really. I like sports."

"Hah, same. You'll get along well with our teams in which case."

Chenle had locks as dark and as elegant as the night sky, flicked over his forehead beautifully with grace. His sharp, feline-like eyes sparkled with a sense of mischief, but also determination. He seemed like a fighter, to Mark, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing when a teenager. His lips were either downcast or curved up into a smile, never particularly balancing those. He seemed conflicted at most, like the tour he was expected to give wasn't all that was on his mind.

"Let's see," the younger checked his watch briefly before calculating the time that had passed along with how much longer they could spend together. "I have physics later that I can't miss. My teacher would slaughter me. But that's an hour or so away, so we can wander around a bit more if you'd like, for questions and such."

The shorter gave a faint nod as he hunched his shoulders slightly against a strange draught that rode up his unsuspecting spine. He peered over his shoulder, staring down the ever-stretching corridor with no definite end in sight. His brows furrowed, though he didn't address it and turned back to the Chinese guide. "Let's go."

"Nice," the younger smiled, turning on his heels and motioning for them to move forwards. Mark managed to step in line with him, keeping in pace now that the basic layout of the school was in hand.

"So..." he started, thinking up a logical question that both interested him and started conversation. "Do you play sports? You mentioned it when I did."

"Yup. Basketball, to be precise."

"Ah, seriously? So there's a team then?"

"Of course. Why? You interested?" The taller started to crack another stunning smile. His grin was one that lit up the entirety of his face, and one that sent 'happy beams' out to those who saw it.

"Yeah. I played for my last school in Canada, but the team wasn't great. Is this one any good?"

"We're pretty decent, actually. Our star player happens to take it very seriously, so we listen closely. Would you like to come and see the court?"


They proceeded to jog down a flight of steps, dust having gathered in the corners where the cleaners clearly paid no attention. The lighting was a bit better down here on the ground floor, but still not hugely amazing. The school bell wailed from its anonymous place somewhere around the structure, and the sound of chairs screeching against the floors hollered through the air.

"Ah, class changes," Chenle sighed, pulling Mark to the side to keep him out of harm's way as they kept walking onwards. Students spilled from classrooms left, right and centre, pushing and shoving unnecessarily to make it to their next classes on time.

As the shorter ravenette started to drift off towards a memory in his own mind, the feeling of a body slamming against his and the sound of books scattering completely snapped him out of it.

His breath hitched, apologies taking no time to flow from his lips reflexively. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" He hissed, crouching down to start helping the poor kid out.

The blonde hair complemented the stranger's slightly tanned skin, his slender hands reaching out to gather his belongings. Mark tried to read a few of the covers to see whether they had any classes in common, but before he could even attempt to start a conversation, the other snapped.

"Ugh, stop!" He seethed, shoving the older back, forcing him away from his books as though he were a thief. That sent a rush of concern through the new student's heart, wondering how he'd managed to fuck up on day one. "P-Please just leave me alone!"

Mark flinched at his angry and clearly solemn tone, falling back to rest on his hands behind him. His eyes finally met the blonde's, searching all of his figure until it was saved in his memory. "I-I'm sorry..." he apologised, his voice ever so soft and soothing. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I promise that wasn't on purpose."

"Sure it wasn't," the younger muttered dryly in return before limply dragging his things towards himself again and trying to stand up.

"Um....I'm Mark? I'm new, so I was just wondering if-"

"Oh god, Mark. Stop talking to him!" Chenle hissed, returning from a small conversation he'd had with a passing pupil. "That's, um...." The tallest didn't even care to elaborate further before grabbing Mark's wrist and managing to drag him away.

The oldest frowned with a great deal of confusion, staring over his shoulder at the teen he'd left behind to help himself. That male was looking back at him though, as the distance between them grew, their eyes connected in an invisible trance.

"Don't start your year here with the wrong people," the Chinese boy suggested before slowing down when they were far enough away and letting go of Mark. "He's a bad egg, okay? Not worth the effort."

"Well, who was he then?"

"Ugh, Lee Donghyuck. A total asshole and degenerate. His family are trash and so is he, so leave him alone."

"What did he do?"

Chenle went silent for a minute as he kept looking ahead and avoided that question. Rather than not wanting to answer, it actually appeared he didn't know it. Perhaps he was regurgitating everyone's feelings on that kid without truly knowing where they stemmed from.

"Why was he so mad at me?" Mark attempted to push, though earned a dark and dangerous scowl.

"If you want to fit in here, there are rules. Number one: befriend our school's king. I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you. Number two: stay the hell away from that dickhead. And number three: don't fall for everything you hear. Between you and me, anything anyone says around here is bullshit. A word from the wise."

The older nodded slowly and carefully, surprised more than anything by what he was hearing. What the fuck have I stumbled into?

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now