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The entirety of the English class had been awkward as hell, and with good reason, Mark felt. His new desk mate was like a statue, barely moving and almost soundless, much to his displeasure. He wanted to make friends, yet the first person he'd decided to befriend on his own was completely against it altogether.

This is hard, he thought, walking through the halls towards the canteen Chenle had shown him earlier. It wasn't too difficult to navigate the school, what with the flow of students acting as road markings. His eyes observed everything there could've possibly been to look at, and his hands lay uselessly by his sides now that his books were discarded in his locker.

He was about to enter the 'The Nest' as he'd heard it being called on a few accounts now, but felt somewhat hesitant to proceed. There were kids his age, older and younger everywhere, wild and loud. It wasn't hugely different from his previous school, but by no means the same.

Girls and boys mixed and blended harmoniously, the food that didn't seem so inedible was passed around by trays from friend to friend.


Those were what the new boy wanted and needed. He could already spot Chenle a few metres away near the back of the large hall, smiling a little insincerely as he listened to a story being told at his table. It was clearly a sporty clique, as most of them could've taken poor Mark down in a heartbeat with the immense muscle masses, as well as the expensive tracksuits. Would he have been annoying if he went over? Would Chenle feel bothered?

"We have a lost soul," a deep-toned, all-knowing sort of voice hummed from behind him, sending a total wave of shivers down his spine. Mark almost released a shriek. Almost. Instead though, he spun around and was caught midway by two hands grabbing his upper arms.

"Ah, sorry," the ravenette apologised, "Am I blocking the entrance?"

"It wouldn't be a problem even if you were," the male winked. He had frizzy pink hair that looked quite purposely airbrushed, like fingers had run through it not so long ago. "I'm assuming you're our new student? Mark Lee?"

He knows who I am? "I-I am. Have we been introduced-"

"Not quite," he smirked, throwing his hand out to shake the older's, "Na Jaemin. I'm sure you've heard of me."

"Oh my god," Mark swallowed harshly, he's the famous name I've been hearing all day? He's better looking than I thought he'd be... "Hi?"

The younger chuckled with a deviously arched brow, "You don't have to be all nervous. C'mon, let's go sit down. I'm so fucking bored with everyone, so I'm sure your stories will entertain me." He took the shorter by the hand and proceeded to guide him into The Nest, where everyone knew everyone. Mark couldn't help but feel a little nervous as all eyes shot to him, decoding him, scrutinising him, sussing him out.

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now