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Mark felt it was best to have a more bright outlook on the day as he wandered through the halls again. He'd just finished suffering through a history class, and now it was time for geography. Fortunately, he hadn't had a geography class yet, so there was hope that it wouldn't be so bad.

His mind was spinning around various thoughts and ideas as he took a seat, noting that he shared this class with Jaemin of all people. The boy in question wasn't actually present yet, but Mark knew the blonde would want him to sit near him...so a dilemma had formed.

"Everyone take your seats, and don't make me ask twice," their male teacher hummed from the front of the room where he was scrawling lesson plans across the chalk board. The ravenette glanced his tongue over his lower lip before picking a random seat and hoping it wasn't of massive relevance. He slid his bag down his arm and onto the floor, leaning down into it to grab his essentials.

As he did so, everyone else filed in and sat down without a care. The tables seemed to be set up in pairs, which was a little odd when every other room was laid out for solo work. I wonder if I'm in the way, he thought anxiously before sitting up and flinching immediately when someone slammed their books down on the desk beside him.

"Shit," Mark clutched his chest, breathing in and out to regain his composure before looking up and swallowing hard. "O-Oh..."

"You have a habit of taking my places," the blonde commented before rolling his eyes and sitting down beside him. "First English, and now geography. What's next, Mister Transfer?"

"I really didn't know-"

"I'm joking," Donghyuck scoffed as he arranged his books in a neat stack and slid them to the corner of his side. "I'm not funny, but that was my attempt at a joke."

Oh my God, I'm offending him, Mark panicked, looking to the front at their teacher again while everyone else settled down. What do I say? Is he mad at me?

"Okay, I need you to take out your hardbacks for some notes," the exceptionally youthful and devilishly handsome man stated, "I promised you volcanoes, didn't I?"

"Yes!" A few of their classmates pumped their fists into the air, leaving the transfer student rather baffled. Donghyuck grumbled various nothings under his breath before opening a clean page in his notebook.

"Um," Mark went to say, though the younger held up his index finger to silence him and shook his head. His previous plead for no verbal contact yesterday filtered through the older's memory, and so he sighed and returned to looking at the front of the room.

Mr. Lee, as the male had learned from his schedule, was drawing a rough diagram of a volcano on the board while briefly describing its features. His tall figure was complemented by his smart but casual attire - which was a dress jacket and dark jeans. He was fit, no doubt, and had a brilliant facial structure that was simply good looking in anyone's books.

"I hate this fucking class," Hyuck muttered airily as he used his blunt pencil to sketch the land feature. Mark peered at the poor attempt at art, shrugging it off subtly and looking to the teacher once again.

The black-haired adult turned to face the class properly with a soft smile and leaned down over his desk with his hands. He was utterly stunning, and their was no escaping that fact. Everyone else seemed to agree with Mark's deduction as well.

"Okay, can someone remind me how these are formed?" He enquired almost cockily, his brow arched like a challenge which had many kids shooting their hands up.

As the newest addition to the group watched those dark, soul-reaching eyes, he came across more than he'd initially figured. The ravenette was smiling, but it wasn't particularly genuine, more so cunning. The sparkle was evident in his irises, but it was a lot like Jaemin's in that it looked somewhat artificial. They were a manipulative, intelligent man's eyes, yet for the life of him, Mark wasn't entirely sure why. He felt he was reading them wrong.

"He knows what he's doing," Donghyuck murmured lightly while leaning on his own palm like this whole topic could go to the depths of the most boring section in Hell. "That face. He knows how to get to his students....but I don't like it."

"Mr. Lee?" The older frowned.


"He seems nice though...."

"Oh, I see how it is. You're one of those 'I'll pretend to be super nice so no one will hate me' people. I know you can see what I'm seeing. He's practically seducing us without breaking the law. A genius, really."

"Hang on, why are you allowed to talk to me, but I can't talk to you?"

"How about neither of you talk at all," the oldest in the room clapped his hands together. "I'm aware you're new here..." he checked the register briefly and smiled again, "Mark. So I'm going to go easy on you. But what am I really good at?" He posed the general question to the class.

"Giving detentions," someone responded quickly, probably a past victim. Mark slid down further into his seat and felt like melting away into nothing at that moment. He hated these scenarios where all the unwanted, negative attention was on him.

It didn't last very long though, as the door was kicked open and another student arrived. "Sorry I'm late, Sir. I was busy being important," he winked.

The class chuckled at his bold statement, but it wasn't really untrue. Donghyuck released a long and tortured sigh beside the ravenette before leaning his cheek down against the desk. "Fuck this."

"Na Jaemin," their teacher hummed, "You must've broken some sort of record at this point for being late. I'm getting irritated."

"Chill, Jen. Thanks to me we're having pancakes in the canteen today," he waved at the other teenagers who cheered excitedly.

"If you don't watch your respect, there's a double detention coming your way," the oldest muttered with a poor attempt at hiding a smile before turning to face the board again.

"But you call me Jaemin. I feel we should be allowed to call you Jeno."

"And I think I'll be seeing you after class."

Mark chewed the wall of his cheek as the blonde arrival smirked victoriously before wandering down the aisle of desks and spotting Mark. He winked, turning to their teacher once more before spouting; "A double detention with you sounds like a beautiful dream."

Jeno visibly gripped his chalk tighter, causing it to snap and fall to the floor. Other than that, he said nothing.

"You," Jaemin jabbed his index finger in Donghyuck's direction, "If you're sitting there next class, you'd better pray to your gods."

"But this is my seat!"

"And you're infecting Mark with your disgusting breath, so fuck off."

"NA JAEMIN, SIT THE HELL DOWN!" Jeno demanded, frustrated beyond belief with his annoying attitude. "Donghyuck stays. It'll be you sitting up the front if I need to tell you to shut up one more time."

"Make me shut up," the blonde challenged.

Mum, if you can hear me, please bring me home, Mark shrunk away under the intense pressure.

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now