❦8❦ || MATURE

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"Ngh, Jeno!" Jaemin whined as he held onto the edge of the teacher's desk for dear life and listened to it scuff the linoleum floor as his body repeatedly shifted forward from impact. His eyes were lidded and thrown back as the older pounded into him roughly, reaching every good spot deep within the blonde's ass. The classroom door was closed and locked, hiding their sinful activities in only dim light as well as their noises.

Jeno grabbed the younger's sliding hands and pinned them behind his back where he could grip them, forcing Jaemin's chest down to the scratched, wooden surface. The cocky student elicited all sorts of profanities and needy words, skin sensitive as hell and legs weak. "Jen! Fuck, I can't-"

"Shhh, calm down for me, Nana," the older breathed out raggedly as his hips almost moved of their own accord, slamming in against the boy relentlessly and pleasuring them both to no end. "Someone will hear you."

"Let them," Jaemin gasped airily shifting his shoulders as he had no control over his arms anymore, "You make me feel so good."

Jeno smirked cunningly as he gave one heavy push inside and had the younger crying out in ecstasy. Their voices melded and and linked to become one almost harmonious cacophony. Their movements were synchronised, for every time the ravenette snapped his hips forward and buried himself deeper into the beautiful male's body, the said boy would jolt forward and tighten around him. They knew each other too damn well at this point.

"Nana, I don't have a condom, so I'm going to have to pull out," Jeno stated dissatisfactorily before speeding up and chasing that high he craved almost all the time. Jaemin's voice grew pitchy and desperate as he threw his head back and tugged at his trapped arms.

"Please, please, please!" He begged, not even sure what for. His hole tightened up around the older's member, not at all helping him stay inside. Whenever he went to his teacher's house, Jeno would release inside him like he wanted. Why did school have to be such a bitch? "So close, Jen..."

"Hang on just a little bit," the ravenette instructed before releasing his hand from Jaemin's wrists and holding both with the other while reaching down to grab onto his length, preventing the inevitable. "Not on the desk, Baby."

"Mhm, why?!" The teen groaned as he felt the other start to get sloppy with his movements, less coordinated and precise. He leaned his sweaty forehead down against the wood, his damp hair sticking to his skin from the perspire. Half the time he went about looking blissed out and sweaty after classroom sex, he told everyone it was from a tough basketball practice.

"Because I don't want to teach with the smell of your cum in the air," Jeno hissed before mercilessly yanking his student up and flipping him around, shoving him to his knees on the floor. He positioned his member in front of his face and demanded one thing. "Swallow."

"So bossy," Jaemin rolled his eyes playfully, knowing damn well he could get away with just about anything when it came to this man. Hell, two years of fucking about taught him a valuable lesson: that having a cute face, nice ass and manipulative personality landed him brilliant opportunities. He engulfed the older's length in his mouth, not even needing to suck it, only running his tongue along the side once before rushes of salty liquid came gushing down his throat with force.

He gagged, coughing and choking on it, but finishing the job nonetheless. This was their way of hiding the evidence, really. Nobody was going to ask a kid to spill the contents of his stomach.

Once Jeno pulled out and looked down at Jaemin's gorgeous, alluring face, he sported a sick grin before pulling the boy up again and sitting his half naked form onto the desk, kneeling down between his legs and returning the favour.

Since the blonde had waited a little, he required a bit more effort. The dark-haired adult dragged his mouth up and down the shaft with ease, teasing him with a daring gaze that never faltered - even when the student groaned out and released strings of white into his wet, skilled cavern. The 'artificial' sparkles in their eyes matched like those of a doll's.

"You're so good for me," the older hummed, standing once again to lean in and capture the teen's lips for a hearty kiss. Their mouths passionately melded together, noses being their only source of air as the breathing came out laboured and hot. Small sounds of need or pleasure escaped each time they changed position, Jaemin looping his arms around the taller's neck and letting himself be washed away by the current named Lee Jeno.

"Ngh, I-" the younger was interrupted by that soft mouth trapping his own, "I should-" and again, and again, "I should get dressed and go."

"Hmm," Jeno hummed in agreement, cheekily nibbling the boy's lower lip before breaking away and proceeding to fix up his attire. "What class do you have now? Science?"

"No, English."

"Yikes. Have fun with that." In all honesty, small talk wasn't really their thing, and they simply appreciated a little bit here and there so that it wasn't immediate sex and then departure. At least like this they could build a small relationship in which they could relate a little to one another.

"See you later, Jen."

"Hopefully not until tomorrow. Stop acting like a brat and showing up late. You're a terrible example to your piers, and you make me look sour for giving you so many detentions all the time."

"Huh? I thought you gave me those so we had a reason to fuck."

"Besides the point. Behave."

Jaemin winked cutely before blowing a short and mindless kiss and heading on out of the classroom. Lunch break must've almost been over, as students began to spill through the halls in search of their lockers.

As the cocky teenager strutted down the length of the corridors to find his own private, metal door, his eyes locked on none other than his perfect boyfriend messing about on his phone. He smirked and tried to hide his slight limp before leaning against the wall beside him. "Hey Baby."

Renjun glanced up, tilting his head. "Oh, hey. How was the council meeting?"

"All good. We can walk to class together if you'd like."

The older smiled softly, placing his device into his  pocket and nodding along. They linked arms before heading towards the locker area, happy in each other's company. After all, it had been one long and valiant battle for Jaemin to even have Huang Renjun at all, and he'd never let him go after such a laborious effort. He really did love him. They loved each other.

There were just a few dark secrets shrouding the relationship.

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now