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The rest of the day had been as strange as usual, as weird as that sounded. Mark was starting to be swept away by the current of 'oddness' flowing across the school, and wasn't sure how pleased he was to be integrating into a funky society such as this. Suddenly everything he frowned at the day before or even this morning was just 'normal', and he got over them.

At present, Chenle was guiding the teen through the hallways towards the gym he'd only been in an hour or so prior. There had been so sign of Hyuck since the whole water incident, but maybe that was a good thing. Jaemin had given him yet another lecture on hanging around 'the freak' and where it would get him, and Mark chose to take his whole lesson with a pinch of salt. This wasn't anyone else's life but his own, after all.

"You'll love the team," the Chinese boy spoke quite excitedly and with great enthusiasm as they reached those familiar double doors again. "Some of them can be jerks, which is to be expected. But in general, we're winners and we're motivated. There's nothing more irritating than being a part of a team that don't give a single fuck, y'know?"

"Is it fine that my basketball skills are somewhat rudimentary?" The older enquired with a bit of hesitation. At best he hoped he'd be benched and just wanted to take this extracurricular activity as a way to keep fit, make friends and continue on with the sport.

"You'll be fine. Our coach is really good, you see. He'll whip you into shape for the next match coming in no time."

"Which is when?"

"I dunno, like three weeks?"

Yeah, there's no way I'm playing in any competitive game in three weeks, the ravenette thought with a lot of certainty. He was a decent player back in Canada, but not the best or anything. "Jaemin is the captain, isn't he?"

Chenle hummed in agreement, pushing the doors open and running on over to the side of the hall where a billboard was hung up. Sheets littered the cork surface with thumbtacks keeping them up, as well as colourful pictures of what they promoted to attract attention. Mark narrowed his eyes as he jogged over to join him by his side, eyeing each piece of paper curiously.

"Is there a sign-up sheet or something?"

The younger uttered a short response as he picked at the pages, lifting some, releasing them, occasionally taking them off when they hid too many. "It's around here somewhere, I just know it..."

"Oh!" Mark beamed when he found what they were looking for underneath an 'Art Club' sign-up sheet.  He scanned the words briefly before taking its tack out and re-sticking it above everything else so he could etch his name on.

Chenle giggled excitedly as the shorter pulled out a pen from his pocket, which he'd been told to bring. As his name flowed across the blank white after the ball-tip ran over it, he knew he was making a good decision. This would boost his confidence here for sure, and hopefully he'd get closer to both Renjun and Jaemin and find some relatable qualities in them instead of just worrying that they'll hate him.

"Awesome. You'll do great," the taller slapped him on the back with a pitchy chuckle to accompany the action. "This team is the only reason I even bother with school. Life sucks ass enough as it is....we all need these clubs to keep us alive."

"Honestly," the older agreed. He elicited a short sigh before reading a few of the names above his and nodding to himself when he attempted to remember a few. "When does practice start?"

"Usually straight after school everyday, but it tends to be that most boys show up whenever it's convenient. The coach didn't want to say 'Mondays and Fridays', for example, in case that was the reason people couldn't join. So he says everyday and we can choose which of those suits us. Smart, right?"

"Yeah, that's pretty cool. Do I need to wait for approval, or...."

"Psh, nah," Chenle waved his hand dismissively and started walking back towards the exit again. "He'll be glad to see you. New players are always welcome, and that sheet is just proof that you're with us. So," he tilted his head to view the transfer student, "Wanna' come and watch today? Obviously you don't have your gear and whatever, but you can meet the team, maybe assess how we work together."

I never told Mum I'd be staying late though, Mark furrowed his brows at his predicament. Everyone knew that rejecting offers or disappearing a lot as a new person was social suicide....so he'd just have to text her and apologise for not giving her notice. "Sure. Sounds like a plan."

The halls were filled to the brim with kids racing about to get their things and go to the canteen. Lunch couldn't have come soon enough after a long day of classes, and Mark couldn't have agreed more. As they wormed through openings between bodies and slunk aside to the walls to remain out of immediate harm's way, they could see the doors of the food hall a little ways ahead. The taller of the pair finally decided to voice a question on his chest, and glanced at the older briefly before returning his gaze to the canteen entrance. "I have something I want to ask you."

The ravenette perked up, having been in a daze for a minute there and snapping himself out of it. "Mhm?"

"I noticed before that you've been interacting with Lee Donghyuck.....the guy I told you stay away from during the little tour."

That's a lie, Mark thought quite surely, he hasn't been around to see me with him yet. I bet he's been told something. "Did Jaemin say something to you?"

The younger's breath visibly hitched when he looked to the boy with wide eyes. "Ah, no. He didn't..."

"Okay, we can go with that," Mark sighed. "What about it? I don't actually hang out with him, you know."

"Just don't let him get inside your head," was all Chenle could muster, since he clearly had no opinion nor a single clue on the matter. There was no way someone hadn't put him up to adding to an already existing point. "He's a weirdo, alright? Once he even bit someone."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Seriously. The guy had scarred tissue and everything."

Woah, that's childish. "Oh."

As they made their way inside the massive space that was buzzing with noise and movement, the younger had one last point to make while his eyes settled on the school's power couple sat where they were yesterday....talking. They seemed to make everyone around them both uncomfortable and excited, like they could actually do something of major relevance to one's life. "Listen to me..." he murmured softly. "I know you can read me, alright? I'm not very good at lying or faking."


"Those two will ruin us if we disobey. Anyone in this school living in the gutters were faced with their destructive judgement. I'm their trusted little pet, okay?" He glanced to him fearfully, "And that's what they want from you. So don't fight it, don't act like some independent individual...just do as they say. And for God's sake, enough with Donghyuck. They hate him."

"B-But why? Why me? Why Hyuck?"

"Damn it, Mark, I don't know. We're in this together, so let's just," he flung his hands up defeatedly and shrugged, "Let's just pretend as a team. I need you, and you'll need me."

With that he started walking towards the said table with a cute smile and a tense figure, leaving Mark standing with an all too baffled expression. The dark-haired male suddenly felt a shiver come along the longer he thought about what had been said. It was too strange. Just when he thought he could handle the absurdity of this place...

He could faintly see Donghyuck out of the corner of his eye leaving the canteen quietly. The teen had looked his way as well just in time, for they read each other like fleeting text messages.

Good luck, the younger seemed to say.

And Mark's wasn't much different.

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now