The Truce

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Error's POV

"Error please! I can't keep fighting you!" Me and Ink has encountered each other again, and we began fighting. At first we were just arguing, but like usual, we then proceeded to get violent. It happened every time we came across each other, and this time was no different.
"Not my fault you can't understand balance!" I never said anything about the balance until now. Ink was oblivious to the balance of creativity and destruction in the multiverse, but it was my only drive to destruction. Fixing his mess.
"Balance?" We stopped fighting. I was looking at my feet, while Ink was confused. "What balance, Error?" He was getting angry again.
"Balance between creation and destruction, Ink! You're destroying the multiverse, not me! I'm making sure it doesn't collapse while you're inching it closer to destruction by making more AU's!" Ink fell silent, looking at me dead in the eyes with a blank expression.
"So... You don't want to destroy?"
"No, I don't. I'm only doing it for the balance."
"Then should we call a truce?"
"For the sake of the multiverse, yes."
"Then we'll make a truce, no creation, no destruction."
"Finally you understand." I sighed and hesitated before placing my hand out. Ink looked confused. "I accept the truce..." I braced myself for the touch of the artist, but it never came.
"I know you don't like physical contact, Error, don't force yourself. I guess now we tell the Bad Sanses and Star Sanses about the truce now?"
"Yea..." I looked away, hastily moving my hand into the pockets of my jacket. We first went to the Star Sanses base.

It was colourful, barely any white to be seen, probably because of Ink's kenophobia, and the fact that the Star Sanses are very colourful individuals. The walls were a light pink, the carpet beige. A small baby blue carpet sat under a glass coffee table, a grey corner sofa near it with a beige lamp to the side of it. Blueberry was sat on the floor, drawing what looked like a children's drawing of a family at the small table. Blue, Dream and Ink were drawn on the picture. Dream was on the sofa with a cup of tea in hand, watching Blue with a content smile a parent would have watching over their child plastered on his face.
"Hey guys!" Ink sounded more cheery then when we were fighting previously, interesting.
"Hey Ink— ERROR!!" Dream shot up and pulled out his bow. He was wearing his crown as per usual, but instead of his usual outfit, he wore pyjamas with small yellow suns dotted all over the white pyjama bottoms, his shirt yellow with a white sun on it. He had blue socks on with little sheep on and a mad expression now formed on his face, his yellow eyes piercing into my skull, failing to be intimidating.
"Wait Dream put the bow down, Ink doesn't seem to be bothered he's there, let him speak." Blue chirped from on the floor, his pyjamas similar to dream's, yet blue and with sheep on, his socks brown with small black paintbrushes dotted along them, his blue eyes calming. Dream put his bow away, sitting down again and picking up his cup off of the table, as he had placed it there before summoning the bow.
"We made a truce, no more destruction or creation of AUs." Ink said before walking into another room. "Error, socialise, I'll be back in a minute."

I stood awkwardly, looking over to Dream, who scowled at me, and Blue who smiled, his eyes closed. "Come sit down, Error, I mean you heard Ink, come socialise!"
"I... Fine..." I sat down on the floor, about an inch away from the table. Blue was sat in between the sofa and coffee table, across from Dream, while I sat parallel from Dream. Ink came back a few minutes later in pyjamas looking like the other two, but brown with small black paintbrushes, yellow socks with small suns on. They all had matching pyjamas and obviously had socks that looked like each others pyjamas. They looked like siblings, but that wasn't the case. Ink had more tea in his hands. "Here you are, Error."
"Oh... Thanks..." Ink then proceeded to cuddle into Dream. "Are you two dating or something?"
"Yea, what's it to you?" Dream snapped. I've never seen him so hostile before.
"Dream, don't be rude, he was just asking a question." I picked up the tea and began to drink it. It was chamomile, lavender & elderflower tea. It tasted sweet and I felt relaxed. "Relaxing, isn't it?" Ink asked.
"I mean, yea, I guess..."
"Chamomile, lavender & elderflower tea is meant to help with sleep and relaxation, treating cold symptoms, slowing or preventing osteoporosis and more, but I guess these apply to us more."
"What's osteopoposis?" Blue asked innocently.
"Osteoporosis." Dream corrected.
"Yea, that. What is it?"
"A medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D." Ink said, matter-of-factly. I just kept drinking the tea.
"We're all bone, we're skeletons!"
"Exactly why I said that, Blue."
"Oh. Makes sense."

I finished drinking and yawned. The tea made me drousey. "Hey Error do you want to stay here for the night? It's getting late." Blue offered.
"That would be nice." I answered, placing my cup in the kitchen. Unlike in Nightmare's castle, the Star's place was quiet and calming.
"You'll have to sleep on the sofa because we only have two bedrooms available, but don't worry, it's comfy."
"Fine by me."
"Cool! Here's your blankets and pillows. Do you want any clothes?"
"No, I'm fine. Thanks though, Blue."
"No problem, the Magnificent Blueberry is always happy to help! Muehehe!" There we go, Blue's iconic laugh. I took the blanket and pillows and got the sofa ready to go to sleep before drifting into a dreamless sleep, until Dream gave me a positive dream along with the others.

1013 words.

I've outdone myself, I was gonna end this at just over 200 words, but I continued and got almost 5x that amount.

Have a good day/night!


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