Me and my friends have always grouped together to help each other. It was always like this, there was me and seven other ponies. Xenon the first is one of my oldest friends he's good overall plus i'd say he is one of the smartest in the group. We've been friends for the longest time he is a unicorn. He is also a very admirable pony he likes to swim, one of the best in the group at it. He has a grudge against changelings though so when we made the group we were limited.
Mad Radio is the next in the group but we call him Radio for short. He has a moderately bad temper so he fits in perfectly with the rest of us. Radio is a green unicorn he very nice and likes to make rap in his free time at the table. He by far has the most unique personality out of anypony that I have ever seen. He always comes up with a lot of weird funny expressions but he fits in perfectly with us. He'll definitely make you laugh no matter your humor.
Then it's Marco, definitely a lot more better to talk to cause he's the only one who likes sports and plays them. He is a very good friend he tries to help everyone that he can. He plays football for canter lot and has connections on the team he's good at what he does. Marco is a brown earth pony I don't understand how anyone could live like that but he's happy with it. He is one of the biggest out of anyone of us so you wouldn't want to cross him.
Also there is blue streak A.k.a. Blue. He is a good pony he also shares the traits of the group of being kind and nice. He doesn't really have a eruptive temper like some of us but never the less he is still cool. He likes to play video games like the rest of us. He doesn't like physical confrontation but that's okay most of us don't. Blue is a grey Pegasus with blue hair. He also somehow gets mares easily I don't know how.... But besides that's besides the point he's good on the inside.
Then Atomic he's cool but he likes to run us into some trouble a lot by running his mouth and drags us into trouble. He is quiet too but the things he says get out somehow eh oh well nevertheless I'll stick up for him just like anyone else. He likes to swim like Xenon them lucky bastards. He is a Pegasus and has a really weird mane.
He has those fancy new glasses that that....vinyl I think it was made. He doesn't take them off for some reason but oh well.Star is definitely the one that relates to me the most attitude wise. But he really don't like to get into fights because he is blind. He hangs out with the group the most he doesn't have very many friends outside of it. He has A lot of dark jokes no one else likes dark things but I think they are pretty funny. He would be a good fit for the team but he doesn't like sports no matter how much I try to convince him. Pretty stubborn but I guess you'll like what you like even if it will be better in the long run. He is a black Alicorn I don't understand Alicorns at all I think they're weird.
Then corn he's the last in the group. I can't get over his name but he's still cool. He is the funny type that can befriend anypony he is also very funny. I don't think he has a single enemy in this place unlike me. On top of that he's the newest to the group he's got a lot to learn. But overall I'd say he fits in well with us.
And finally there is me in not really that interesting. I by far have the worst temper if you have seen a hydrogen bomb go off that's pretty much my temper. I'll stand up for anyone of my friends but if it's between the group I stay out of it. Everypony else is smarter than me unless it involves science then I know everything. I play all sports except soccer but I always end up hurting myself because I take things too seriously.
Now that we got the introductions out of the way let us dive in....
The canterlot crew
Fanfictionwe follow a gang of friends in school and their lives not everything is going to go right but that's what friends are for. And no matter what you will always be faced against another group or ponies