Risk-Book 1

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            Up next, Katelyn Brie and her horse, Black," filled the small town loud and clear. All Katelyn could think about was the three red and white barrels in front of her and Black.

~Chapter 1~

        As Katelyn was watching her competition, she was surprised to see that Black was the calmest horse in the arena. All of a sudden Katelyn heard a voice that she knew, but she couldn't figure out whose voice it was. Then the person walked up behind her and swept her off her feet. "Howdy," the handsome cowboy said quietly, but loud enough so that she could hear him. "I haven't seen you in a long time. I've tried driving by the ranch, but every time I'm there you aren't it seems like."

          "Well Black and I have been very busy with the competitions and everything else. Can't you see that? We are traveling a lot right now. We just came home from Tennessee, and we will be leaving again next week."

           "When will you be home so I can see you? We need to hang out."

           "Maybe when I get home."

         "If I can please have Katelyn Brie enter the arena, please. And up next after her is Betty Luke. The crowd got quiet as Katelyn and her horse entered the arena. As she began the pattern the crowd went crazy for them."

       "Common Black, common." Around the first and second barrel, all clear. Going to the third barrel it started to rain. All of a sudden Black collapsed and Katelyn blacked out.

~Chapter 2~

       As Katelyn laid there unconscious in the uncomfortable hospital bed, all the people surrounding her were worried, as the doctor confirmed every ones fears. "Mr. and Mrs. Brie, I'm sorry, but your daughter has a very low chance that she will ever ride again, if she makes it." As Marry Brie and her husband, Donnie Brie, cried people walked up and hugged them.

       "I'm sorry, I'm sure she will pull through she always does," announced Chase.

       "It isn't your fault, Chase, it could have happened to anyone."

      The nurse came out of the room with a bright smile on her face, the Brie family didn't know if she had to do that, or if Katelyn was doing well with her process. "Mr. and Mrs. Brie can you please come with me into the room with your daughter, she is awake and asking for you two." Marry and Donnie followed the nurse as she walked into the room. Then, after the curtain was closed, the nurse started talking to all of the Brie family. "You are going to be fine as far as we know, we had some doubt, but you are responding quite well. The doctor thinks you will be able to go home tomorrow. The only bad thing is that you have broken your leg when you fell off. Any questions?"

      "I think we will be fine. Can we please have some time alone?" proclaimed Marry, as Katelyn         nodded her head along with her dad.

       "Yes I can do that, holler if you need any help."

         "Ok, thank you."

~Chapter 3~

         "Mother! What are you doing? Don't touch that." Katelyn was very particular when it came to her property. She didn't want anyone to touch it.

        "Don't yell at me I'm your mother. You don't have the right to talk to me like that."

         "I'm sorry mom, your right. I should have never talked to you like that. It's not right."

        "It's ok honey. You need to take a break."

       "Are you sure mom? I don't want to leave you and not be able to help."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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