Everthing (S)He Does Is Magic

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The first time Atsumu Miya had sparkles in his eyes was actually only a few years ago, in their fourth grade to be exact. His and his twin brothers' mother forced both of them to join the volleyball workshop. The moment Atsumu touched the round object, spun it in his hands, and spiked it over the big net, he knew he was whipped.

And even though Osamu would never admit it, he was happy that his older brother found something in his life that made him genuinely happy and it inspired him to work hard side by side with his twin.

The second time felt like Atsumus world stopped working for a second.
Nobody was moving and the crowd around the big court in the middle of the gym muffled down so that only he was in the center of Atsumus' attention.
The bright lights in the gymnasium shining in a dazzling white directly at him.
His beautiful black curls waving in the air as he jumped towards the volleyball. His white shirt flying a little bit up for everyone to see his pale skin underneath. As soon as the ball touched the ground with a loud sound, the crowd started moving faster and screaming again.
It was like Atsumu fell in love with volleyball all over again.

"Did'ya see that 'Samu?!" Atsumu screamed at his twin brother.
"He's the one! He's the one I want to play with."
His younger brother turned to his left in confusion, wondering what the hell is wrong with his brother, who never wanted to play with other people since no one has ever met his expectations. He always wanted to do better and improve himself and a lousy player would only hold him back. Not even his own twin could hold up to his expectations, so what made him so special?

The game ended faster than accepted, much to Atsumus' disappointment, and the twins headed their way outside.
During the game, the rain started pouring down from the sky, and neither Osamu nor Atsumu thought of taking un umbrella with them, so now both of them stood under the roof of the entrance debating whether they should just run home and risk getting sick or wait till the rain stopped but that could take several hours.

"'Tsumu, forget it. I'm not running home in the rain. Mom will kill us if we do that"

And as if they could hear us, two of the volleyball player came out of the gymnasium and both of them had umbrellas. Lucky for Atsumu, one was the boy he admired. The older brother grabbed his sibling by the hand and started running, ignoring his wet shoes and clothes as he slipped under the younger ones' umbrella and smiled at him in his friendlies smile he could make.
"I hope you don't mind us. We don't really like getting wet." Atsumu explained to the black-haired guy. "Anyway, what's your name? We saw you play and just wanted to say hello"

"It's Sakusa Kiyoomi and this is Komori Motoya. Could you please not get so close to me?" Kiyoomi said looking disgusted at the two soaked boys. "Yeah sorry, no problem"
Atsumu took a step aside to give him a little bit more space.
"I'm Atsumu Miya. You're pretty tall. What grade are you in?" - "I don't think that's any of your concern".
Atsumu pouts: "You know, it's really hard to talk to you...wanna play volleyball? Then we don't have to talk so much"
Kiyommi looked at him as if he was the biggest fool he ever saw - which he probably is.
"I don't like playing with losers," he then said, which is a sentence the older one could've said too and probably already did.
"Great, neither do I! So let's play together!"

Kiyoomi didn't know how to respond. He never was good with other people and Atsumu being a complete stranger made the situation worse. "Let me think about it"
Yeah, that was good. It was neither a no nor a yes - since somewhere in his little head something told him he should do it, just out of curiosity. And before Atsumu could say another word to try and convince him, he took the hand of his cousin and walked as fast as they could away and let the twins alone in the rain.

Atsumu let out a sigh and turned towards his brother, who was completely ignored during the whole conversation. And since under umbrellas could only fit a maximum of two people, Osamu stood outside in the rain and looked at Atsumu as if he would kill him in the worst way a human could possibly imagine.
"Oi 'Samu, I'm sorry-" Atsumu tried to apologize while Osamu just sneezed.

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