chapter one.

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BIRDIE FOWLER DIDN'T make big mistakes very often. Having grown up with the knowledge that many horror stories were in fact based on true events——some even dating back centuries ago——she was rather used to shitty things happening all over the world no matter how much she tried to ease some of the troubles by slaying monsters. Both of her parents had been hunters themselves and couldn't help but raise their child in the same life.

They hadn't intended to become parents, but when Birdie was brought into the world one stormy night, they believed the safest place for her would've been to stay with them rather than putting her up for adoption where someone, or something, could've taken her as leverage, or for something worse than even death itself. It didn't really take Birdie long to realize that she was an accident, but her parents loved her and only wanted the best for her, or so that was what she always told people. However, it was only true for one parent. Some days were better than others, but that was the life of being raised and turned into a hunter; she couldn't afford to be picky.

When her mother, Serena, died just a few months before Birdie's eighteenth birthday, part of her believed her father, Reese, would've decided to move onto a different line of work now that her mother was gone. Things exactly weren't easy with Serena, but Birdie thought it would've been just a little. . .calmer now that she was gone. Everyone who ever met the woman knew she was incredibly stubborn and fierce, but she was also capable of being especially cruel not just to monsters, but to her family.

However, Birdie didn't get to have even just a taste of a sweet life because Reese soon died when his car was hit by a drunk driver while he was on his back to Birdie after doing a quick salt and burn. Birdie became an orphan over night and ran off before child services could intervene seeing that she was still under eighteen. Instead, she fled to Bobby Singers and laid low for a bit, but just like her mother, she wasn't able to hang up her gun as easily as she thought and went chasing monsters like she'd been taught to do.

But. . .she couldn't believe she'd wound up in yet another sticky situation without a Plan B all the way to Z.

Birdies eyes slowly fluttered open as she finally awoke, not even fazed by the fact she couldn't move. She'd grown used to it now.

Her hands were chained together from the cement ceiling of some abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. An intense pain was pounding through her entire body from being punched over and over again. Her feet were just barely touching the bloodied ground beneath her feet, her tattered sneakers stained with her dried blood that had dripped down from her wounds. Her skin was hot and clammy, the intense heat not letting up during the still of the night. Blood was smeared across her wrinkled shirt and ripped jeans, some brushed along her cheek almost like it was done on purpose, and a busted lip finally on the mend to healing.

NO TIME TO DIE◦𝒔𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now