chapter two.

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"——ZY ENOUGH TO trust a fucking demon?!"

"Told you so," Dean pointedly muttered, shooting Sam a look. The younger Winchester was seated in the passenger seat of the Impala as Dean quickly drove down a darkened highway, Birdie nestled in the backseat and situated in between the brothers with her arms folded over the back of their seats so she didn't feel left out. The trees along the highway were almost black as they loomed under the night sky, dozens of branches bending and twisting like they were trying to reach out and snatch them from the road like monsters. The only light inside the Impala was coming from the radio, illuminating their faces and making their expressions easier to distinguish. The music was turned down almost all the way since Sam had taken the liberty of doing it so that both Dean and Birdie would actually listen to what he had to say. It'd helped somewhat, but the conversation wasn't going exactly as he'd hoped.

It was only the next day after they'd left the hospital and picked up Birdie's things from her motel room, having headed west to find a motel for the night. They'd explained what all she'd missed out on since they parted ways after shutting the Gates of Hell——which had still let all kinds of demons out into their world——as they drove, but Birdie couldn't help but be pissed that they, or more specifically Sam, had purposely waited to mention a certain detail that had been left out.

Sam had been hesitant to mention the demon, Ruby, who'd saved them since demons were the monsters Birdie hated most of all. But, if she was going to be sticking with them for a little while, then she needed to know about the demon in case she decided to show her face again.

"Just hear me out——" Sam tried to interject, huffing. He wasn't expecting Birdie to exactly be okay with it, but he didn't think she'd react the same way Dean had. She was a little more understanding than most hunters, usually trying to see both sides when it came to the brothers; though, this time it was involving a monster, and as much as Birdie trusted Sam, she wasn't so sure about his idea to work with a demon.

"Hear you out?!" Birdie sharply demanded, eyes wide with rage as Sam turned his head towards her with his lips parted. "Why didn't you send her back to where she belongs?"

"Thank you! That's what I said!" Dean scoffed.

"Shut up, Dean," Sam and Birdie snapped in unison, making the oldest of the three falter in surprise and offense.

"So you just chatted with her? Got her name and——"

"No one was chatting," Sam hastily snapped, brows furrowed together.

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