chapter thirteen.

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BRIGHT STARS TWINKLED above the mellow skies of Monument, Colorado. A comfortable chill had settled over the rural town once the sun settled past the horizon just a few hours ago, most of the residents tucked away in the safety of their homes for the night as the clock ticked closer to midnight. Countless fireflies weaved through the tall trees that were spread throughout the town, crickets endlessly chirping back and forth as only nature could be heard just outside the Monument Hotel. It was located right off the state highway past a small row of takeout restaurants and a few other local businesses that were now closed for the night, signs posted on the doors that stated what time they would reopen. All the buildings seemed to have the same architecture with beige walls and orange clay tile rooftops, making it clear to Birdie that the town was known more for its natural attractions than its man-made ones. Though, things usually tended to turn out better for her and the boys when they found themselves in a small town rather than a large city where people tended to pop up at the worst moments.

"How long does it take two grown men to knock someone unconscious?" Birdie grumbled under her breath in annoyance, adjusting her posture as she leaned against her motorcycle, comfortably sitting on the leather seat with the Impala parked two spots away from her. "It's only Bela. . ."

It had been almost two weeks since the Trickster returned Sam and Birdie to that fateful Wednesday, neither one of them letting Dean out of their sight to make sure the Trickster wasn't waiting to strike again. But, after ensuring that the Trickster wasn't lingering in the shadows or following them to fuck things up for them once more, Birdie had briefly gone off on her own for a few days to check in on Kaiya and then Bobby (and, of course, Rumsfeld) before winding up with Sam and Dean again after they informed her they had gotten a tip on Bela's current whereabouts. Birdie didn't hesitate to join them, the three of them believing they'd finally caught up to her and would be able to get the Colt back from the wicked woman.

But, despite them having more of an advantage if they all went up to Bela's room together instead of just Sam and Dean going by themselves, Birdie had been left alone to be a lookout in case Bela returned to the hotel or attempted to escape if she were inside. They didn't believe she was there considering there were only two other cars in the parking lot and Bela most likely would've rather died than be caught dead driving either of them, but they could never be too sure when it came to Bela and her conniving ways. Birdie fervently protested against them going in without her, but Sam nor Dean left her room to argue as they headed with their guns loaded and anger coursing through their veins.

Nearly eight minutes had passed since they entered the hotel with their guns discreetly tucked inside the back of their pants, Birdie's frustrations starting to increase the longer she went without hearing anything from either of the brothers. She didn't believe Bela would just hand over the Colt if she were inside, but she also didn't believe it would take Sam and Dean more than five minutes to deal with the woman let alone rummage through her fancy belongings. She puffed out her cheeks as her thoughts wandered to what could've possibly been going on inside, shaking her head when her nerves got the best of her. She swung a leg over her bike to go inside and check on them, but she suddenly froze when she spotted four police cars hastily pulling into the parking lot and stopping near the main entrance.

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