𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒

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I took a look at William; his tie was wrinkled, and his hair was a mess.

Did he..? I quickly erased that thought.

"Whoever you saw roughed you up." William quickly fixed his tie and hair.

"Yeah, she did, but I fucking saw ​HER​ at the store!" William retorted.

"You're not being specific; I don't know who 'she' is?"

"I saw Clara," William pinched the bridge of his nose.

Mike peered up from his homework. "You saw mom?"

William put the groceries on the counter. "I did, and she ​really​ wants me back."

"But dad, didn't you want her back?" Mike asked.

I got up from my chair. "Yeah, I don't think this is a conversation that I should be a part of."

I backed up and went up the stairs but stayed at the top to listen.

"I did, Mike, but not anymore."

"That was fast; about a few days ago, you were going to write her that letter...."

"Michael Afton, don't say another word!" William yelled.

Mike got up from his chair to face his father. "Why not or do you not want (y/n) to hear."

I could hear the loud sound of William banging his fists on the counter. "Michael, I suggest you shut your mouth right now!"

I walked down a few stairs to take a look, and I saw William's eyes.
They were glowing purple again.

"Oh, fuck." I whispered.

"What are you going to do to kill me!?"

They were both screaming at each other now. William's lips curled into a smile.

I realized that Mike was in some serious shit; he doesn't know what his dad has been doing.

I ran over and stood between the two."Hey, hey, no more yelling. Mike, go back to doing your work,
"William, I need to talk to you."

They both rolled their eyes.


Mike sat back down and continued to work while I dragged William to the living room.

"Okay, what happened at the store?" I asked.

William smiled. "Why do you want to know, love? Are you jealous?"

My face turned red.

"I am not jealous-- you came back home with messy hair and a messed up tie. It gives me the hints that...."

William's face also turned red.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you what happened. When I was looking for the steak I heard someone call my name, I turned around, and it was Clara. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly." He paused,

"I pushed her away, but that didn't stop her; she grabbed my tie and quickly pulled me into a kiss."

I'm surprised he didn't stab her right then.

"I pulled out of the kiss and told her I had a girlfriend."

There he goes saying that again.

"Why do you always say to people that I'm your girlfriend when I'm not?" I asked.

William scratched the back of his head. "It's just easier to keep crazy psycho girls away from me... Anyway, I had someone call the manager, and they kicked her out." William finished.

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