His eyes started to water, and he shifted our hands to where his was on top of mine. He gently squeezed it and started to say something, but stopped because he started to choke up. He didn't need to say anything though, his actions were clear enough.
For the next half hour, we just sat in complete silence, just enjoying each other's company. I really don't know what it is about this guy, but somehow, I trust him, and I have extreme trusting issues. I think they stemmed from my childhood. My dad was always around, but he always gave me empty promises.
"Of course I'll come eat with you, Kayla" he would tell me, but yet, I would be the only 1st grader at the thanksgiving lunch without a parent. Things like this happened a lot, so I ended up just not telling him anything about my life.
It was 8:00PM before the nurse came in and told Mark he would have to leave. He gave me a quick goodbye and left. "Darling." the old nurse said, "tomorrow is the day you are scheduled to be released, do you have a place to stay? Because if not, I can say that I believe you need to stay for a bit longer." I thought about her offer, but soon made my decision. I wouldn't dare to stay another night in the hospital. I don't know where I'll go, but I'll think of something. "Yes maam, I have a place to stay." I whispered. She looked doubtful, but she just nodded and left. I was just about to go to sleep, when I decided to text Mark. I was just gonna tell him thank you for helping me. I didn't really plan that we would meet again. I mean yes I think he's an amazing person, but he seems like a busy person, so I don't think he will have any time for me. I quickly texted him and rolled over to go to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up and readied my stuff to leave. I didn't have much anymore, considering I got mugged, but I packed the few supplies I did have. After everything was ready, I got dressed and fixed my face and hair. I didn't do much, just enough to look presentable, but I felt ready to leave. I grabbed my phone off of the table by my former-bedside, and walked into the hallway.
I saw that I had a text, but I didn't bother to check it. It was most likely my mother anyway. I made my way to the check out desk, and completed the final paperwork. Once I finally completed it, I sighed and walked out the door, mentally preparing myself for the struggles I was sure to go through.
As I exited the ugly, white building, I saw a small black car in the driveway-area. I had to cross the cross-walk, so I signaled it to go ahead. As soon as I did that, I recognized the driver. Mark. He quickly pulled over to the curb and said,
"Hey, you ready to go?" I was confused.
"You didn't read the text...did you? Oh, umm...this will seem awkward then...The hospital contacted me, and it seems that you are gonna be staying at my house for awhile."I was dumbstruck. Why did the hospital contact him? Why did he say yes? I was gonna object, because I didn't want to intrude on his life, but he must've known what I was gonna do, because he pointed to me and then pointed the car.
"Please Kayla, get in the car..." so i did. Little did I know that this decision would change my life forever.