Chapter 1.

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"Mummy" Said Koal, "i dont want to go, I'll miss my friends!"
"Koal Hunny, We have to go. Before your father comes back." Whispered as She was packing her clothes. Bangs where coming from the hallway. Words that sound like sounds but as they creep closer they get louder and louder.

"but, Mummy why is daddy so mad?" Koal tilted her head looking towards her Mum who was going faster than before as the words became more clear.
"uh- Mummy, Did a bad thing and hurt daddy. But daddy is very mad. Hey Koal, Darling go get one of your teddys quickly!" Hastily grabs the Left over money on the side and Some food.
As Koal runs over to her teddies You can hear doors slamming and opening from the hall. this was the 4th Slam out of the 6 doors one of them including the Entry to the back door. Where we were.
Sitting on the sofa laid 3 teddies:
The small black cat that her grandad gave her when they went to their holiday 6 months ago.
The second was from when Koal and her dad went to build - a - bear Yesterday, Like he knew something would happen. It was a white soft fox, The colour of the snow was where the fox laid, as Koal Clicked his paw some tuneful words came from the Fox
"hey My little Koal, Me and your mother might not always be friends. But I doesnt matter who we are or where are at i will always love you my Angel. Love Daddy." This one, Felt the most touching. so moving. But seeing her dad like this makes his words feel with empty promises that will be forgotten not forgiven for the scars later.

As Koal grabs the Fox all you can hear is the twist of the doorhandle.
"KOAL, LETS GO NOW!" The mother screamed as she was panicking to open the back door, Koal runs forward Towards the door as it opens.
As it opens so does the door that contains her father behind.
Koal and her mother are already outside as the father comes towards the door and all you can hear from the distance is the faint words of her father.
"KOAL LISTEN TO ME DONT ALWAYS TRUST YOUR MOTHER! I WILL ALWAYS FIND YOU. MELISA YOUR DEAD TO ME!" He's faint words have stuck with Her till this day. her  and her Mother, Melisa continue down the path of muddy tracks. the muddy tracks slowly became Pavement which then led to the nearest bus stop. They didn't care where they went or where they ended up. they just wanted to be together. They ended up falling asleep on the bus, tears streamed as Koal laid on melisa's lap for comfort, The passengers gave zero fucks that they looked homeless and scared.
Of course they didn't. Humans are the most selfish Species.

When they awoke, Them and a man got off at the last Stop. It was a small area between the woods and a small town that was functional and Barely passing a restaurant health and safety code. It was cold. there were still people there and obviously signs of human life i mean there were schools and everything. but then again it was 9pm thats why it was so Quiet.

They arrived at the nearby hotel, Quite cheap, yet furnished. The lady at the front desk was quite nice she saw our struggle and gave us a  discount and offered Our mother a job at the hotel. this all happened around 10 years ago. I was 4 Yet it still scars me till this very day.

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