Chapter 1

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Hi, It's TheMercuryQueen. You may know my other story "You and I" if you don't know it and you're completely new to my books I bid you Hello and welcome! This is my first time writing a Harry Potter fanfic so please be kind and bear with me. I don't own any characters besides the OC, this is my story idea but in no way associated with JKR.

Mercury's POV

"Time to get out of bed and ready for the new term!" I say to myself cheerfully, after rolling out of bed rubbing my eyes and looking around my bedroom. I love my room, light blue faux fur carpet, silver floral wallpaper, wooden light pink double bed, and white wooden flooring. "Okay. Teeth brushed? check! Hairstyle perfectly done? check! Makeup perfectly done? check! glamorous outfit? check! Luggage? done and done!"

I gave my house the final check over before locking up, can't be too careful nowadays, to be honest! Across the field, there are two tall figures, redheads, laughing and running around. Those two redheads are my best friends, Fred and George Weasley. They're a pair of sneaky, mischievous, and pranking lunatics. They once blew up a toilet while Snape was sat on it, oh Godric I feel sorry for their parents, Molly and Arthur.

"Mercury! Managed to drag yourself away from doing your hair and makeup?" teased Fred. "Freddie, you need it a lot more than Mercury does, Right Mercury?" George teased and winked at me. Feeling a smirk and a smart reply in my head, which proceeded to come out of my mouth, "Hmmm, while that's true, you could do with some yourself, Georgie." I said with a devilish grin on my face the boys laughed and shook their heads.

All of a sudden, Fred grabbed my luggage to "help me out", while George picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. While I thrashed about he ran me into the house, in between laughing and screaming I managed to yell "GEORGE, PUT ME DOWN! FRED, HELP ME!"

"Sorry Mercury, I can't hear you! Besides got my hands full with your luggage, Wish I could help you", Fred grinned cheekily.

After running around the living room over George's shoulder, Molly rushed into the living room looking furious "GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY, PUT THAT GIRL DOWN BEFORE SHE GETS HURT! Mercury-Rose dear, how lovely to see you! GEORGE, PUT HER DOWN!" After George gently put my feet back on the ground, I instantly got pulled into a bone-crushing, yet loving hug.

"Hello, Molly how are you this morning?" I managed to say with the breath I gathered. "Let me look at you, have you eaten properly this morning? You're a growing girl, so it's important to know if you have or not!" Molly raised an eyebrow at me.

She's like a mum to me. I wouldn't be on the straight and narrow if it wasn't for the positive impact she's had on my life. After I had witnessed my parents' murder at the hands of He Who Must Not Be Named, or as I call him Baldy the gone off cheese, Molly has always been there for me.

"Yes Molly, I had some pancakes, some grapes, an apple, and a glass of orange juice," I answered, a soft smile on my face. Molly opened her mouth to respond when a multitude of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. *Thud, thud, thud.* It happened again *thud, thud, thud.*

"Mercury, Hi! You look fantastic. Is that another one of your designs?" Ginny asked, pulling out of the hug she gave me. Ginny is the youngest of the Weasley clan and the only girl out of seven, Yes SEVEN kids! I used to babysit Ginny when she was a little girl and Ron when he was a little boy.

"Ginny! Hi, Thank you! Yes, indeed it is. Are you all packed up?" I asked the redhead.

"Blimey, Mercury! You're such a nag, Can you stop asking questions for 5 minutes?" George teased with a twinkle in his eye and flirting evident in his voice. While I'm the best of friends with both twins, George and I have always been closer, don't ask me why but we just have been.

For the love of Mercury- George Weasley x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now