Chapter One- New Job

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I had been on tour with Harry for a little of two weeks now, and I still couldn't believe that this was my life. It was as if I were walking on a cloud, and waiting for someone to pinch me awake. We were currently in New York City, which was only the second show on the world wide tour.

The excitement backstage was intoxicating. I could feel every nerve in my body come alive with excitement. Harry was gearing up to step on the stage, and he was doing his best to hype everyone up for it. Everyone was pumped and extremely excited to get the show started.

Lifting the camera to my eye, I took a few photos of Harry and his bandmates. They were all standing around talking, laughing, and paying me no mind. It was a perfect opportunity to capture their true selves. Their carefree banter put a bright smile on my face. Snapping away, I was in my own little world.

"Five minutes!" Jeff called out.

The band took their places on the stage, leaving Harry behind. I continued to snap pictures of him, as he mentally prepared himself for the crowd. I could tell that he was a ball of nerves. Everyone had mentioned how incredibly scared he was of launching his solo career. He really didn't want to disappoint his fans.

Noticing the flash, he looked up. I couldn't help but freeze, as he caught my eye. His face seemed to light up, causing my heart to momentarily stop beating. I couldn't help but kick myself, for staring. Before I knew it, he was making his was towards me.

"You know I wanted you to take pictures of the actual tour right? By that I mean of my performing on stage with the rest of the band." He smirked. "I don't need any of just myself." He said teasingly.

"I thought I was," I told him innocently while snapping another picture. "We have to have some of you backstage now don't we?"

At that he laughed. He smiled brightly, as he thought it over.

"I suppose you're right. You look very nice tonight," he commented changing the subject.

Blushing, I gazed down. I had never been one for liking attention. Being a photographer, I had the perfect excuse to stay behind the scenes. However, I had been complimented quite a lot on my style by everyone on the crew. Including Harry. And being complimented by the gorgeous Harry Styles was the single greatest feeling.

Tonight, I had on a simple blush colored blouse paired with black skinny jeans. I was also wearing a black leather jacket. I had to keep it comfortable, because I knew that I would be moving around quite a lot in order to capture every angle of Harry. Before the tour, I decided to splurge on getting my hair done. My long brown hair was now perfectly layered down my back, and I had spent an hour making sure it was flawlessly curled. I wanted to make the best impression, and it seemed like my planning was paying off.

Trying to hide my blush, I acted like I was checking out the pictures I had already taken.

"The blush makes you that much more perfect," he stated quietly. It was almost a murmur, and I wasn't entirely sure I heard him correctly.

"Thank you, Harry." I told him sincerely, giving him a shy smile.

"Anytime, love. I hope you enjoy tonight's show." He said with a wink.

With that, he walked backed to the stage to get into place. It took me a moment to gather myself, after that interaction. Snapping one final photo, I turned and walked down the steps. Heading to the front of the stage where the guards were posted, I positioned myself right in the front. Harry had made sure that security had at least two guards around me at all times. He wanted to make sure that no one messed with me, while I was trying to work. He was truly the sweetest and most caring guy.

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