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Nina's POV
10:00 AM

I woke up to a large pain shooting up my leg I whined and got up stretching

"Are you okay Nina-chan?"
Rima asked getting down from the top bunk
All of us shared room I would tell you all of our rooms but I'm too lazy
"Yea my leg hurts"
I chuckled
She nodded
"Ahh do you want to borrow my leg massager?"
She asked me in English
Sometimes we speak in english since we're more comfortable with it then japanese
"Yea thank you"
I smiled she smiled back and handed it to me leaving our room
I sat down on my bed and started massaging my legs a

After 30 minutes Mako unnie yelled for us to come and eat
I put Rima's leg massager under my bed and left the room
I walked behind Mako and hugged her

"Thank you for making us breakfast Mako-chan"
I smiled letting go of her
She nodded and we all sat down saying thank you and ate


After we ate me, Rima and Miihi did the dishes sine the younger members do the dishes

After what felt like two years we finally got done I hurried and ran into the living room and turned on our new song Step and a Step and started doing the choreography before we go on stage
I started messing up a lot
I sighed laying down on the ground

"What's wrong Nina?"
Mako asked coming in the living room

"Oh nothing I keep messing up the choreography I'm nervous what if I mess up while we're on stage?"
I asked her with puppy eyes

She giggled
"Kawaii,  you won't you're very talented and you're still young I believe in you Nina"
She said patting my shoulder
I smiled
"Thank you"
I said about to hug her but she pushed me away
I said frowning

"Go take a shower"
She giggled
I sighed
"Fine but I'm hugging you once
I get dressed"
I smiled and left taking a shower


Rio's POV

I wanted to see what all the members were doing so I grabbed our camera and went to
Miihi's room
"Heyyy what are you guys doing?"
I asked tilting the camera towards them

"Nothing listening to music what about you?"
Miihi asked

"I'm bored"
I groaned laying beside her
She laughed and pushed me away

"Rude Miihi"
I said rolling my eyes she giggled

"We'll see you guys when we leave"
I said leaving her room
I then heard someone singing I smirked and entered Nina's room seeing her singing our new song while practicing the choreography
I tapped her shoulder
She looked like a deer in headlights
She jumped
She said I giggled

"Sorry my apologies I heard you singing you sound beautiful"
I said the last word in English
She blushed looking down I smirked

"Aweee is our youngest shy"
I cooed making her blush more

"Noo your s-shy"
She stuttered out pointing out me
I giggled

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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