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(Before you read this Bangchan and Felix have already grown a slight relationship)

*Alarm goes off*

 "UGH...shut UP!" *Bangchan says after he smacks alarm off the bed-side table*

*Grunts* Its so early... I should probably check up on what the others are doing 

*Walks to each of their bedrooms and checks up on them*

"I guess they're all asleep.."

*As Bangchan says that Felix has a depressing dream*

*Felix sleeps in bed uncomfortably and wakes up suddenly*

*Sits up straight really quick*

*Breaths heavily*

"Its just a dream Felix don't worry..."*Felix says to try to comfort himself*

*Stands up and walks over to the kitchen where Bangchan was sitting at one of the stools drinking his morning coffee*

"Oh hey Bangchan"

"Hey Felix!"

*Felix walks over to Bangchan and sits on the stool opposite him*

"So why are you up so early..?"

"I could say the same about you Bangchan.." *Says slightly gloomy*

"Is there something wrong Felix..?"

"I've had another bad dream..."

"What was it about..?"

"Its my memory of my parents dying! And it keeps on re-playing over and over again and it doesn't stop and-"

*At this point Felix is tearing up and is filling up with despair that someone has never seen before*

*Bangchan sees that Felix is tearing up and goes over the counter to hug him and reassure him*

"Its ok Felix its just a dream from a long time ago! your parents are in a better place now and are very happy!"

*As Felix gets hugged and reassured he is very flustered and happy*

*Felix hugs him back*

"Thank you Bangchan..!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fast forward to when everyone is awake~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Everyone gets ready for practice and while everyone gets ready Bangchan sneaks into Felix's room and Felix doesn't realise, as Felix is changing he hears the stomps of a person behind him, he looks back and says*

"What are you doing here?! *Whispers aggressively*

"What I was feeling lonely that's all"*Chuckles it off*

"Fine as long as you don't be a creep I'll let you stay here okay?"


*They both change facing opposite ways and as they are changing everyone else is finished*

*Knock knock, Hyunjin speaks after knocking on the door"

"Are you done? Why are you taking so long?"*Says annoyed*

"Oh shi- I'll be done in a minute! *Felix quickly says back*

"Okay hurry up!"

*Bangchan in the moment got frightened because he knew that they'll knock on his door next, as he hears them walking to his bedroom he quickly sneaks out into the bathroom*

*He hears them knocking on his door*

"Bangchan! Are you done!"

*No response*

"He's probably in the toilet" *Says after giving up*

*Bangchan walks out of the bathroom*

"Oh sorry mate... I was in thee bathroom"


*As they all patiently wait for Felix he finally comes out of his bedroom*

"Oh sorry mates I was busy listening to music"

"Strange..."*Says Hyunjin under his breath*


"Oh its nothing don't worry about it!"

*As Minho opens the the door to the apartment complex Felix and Bangchan walk out together holding their fingers together, Seungmin finds concern to this*

-Seungmins mind- How are they so close all of the sudden..?

*They all hop in to the minivan that they drive in to go to rehearsals, Bangchan and Felix are sat next to each other having their shoulders touching and as they turn the corner they rub amongst each other*

*Felix is visibly blushing and Bangchan has a grin on his face*

*They walk into the dance studio together and they walk together through the whole building, they hear twice rehearsing for their song Fancy, Felix hums to the rhythm of the song and Bangchan found that adorable*

*As the song comes on they are getting ready in their positions and they start doing the dance*

*As Felix is dancing he notices Bangchan do a body roll and he immediately gets turned on and he looses concentration*

*Bangchan looks back and sees that Felix is looking very hung, and he also gets turned on*

*They all finish rehearsing and Bangchan runs over to Felix looking very hot and sexy*

*Felix gets flustered and puts his arms behind his back*

*Bangchan puts his hands in his pockets and says*

Bangchan: Hey *chuckles* Wanna come to my bedroom after dance rehearsal?

Felix: Sure! Why not.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash forward to when they go back to their apartment complex~~~~~~~~~~~

*Everyone goes back to their rooms and Felix follows after Bangchan to his bedroom and lock the door behind them, Bangchan pushes Felix onto the wall and grabs his waist and pushes him in, they finally kiss after this sexual tension they've been going through and Felix grabs onto his face and they kiss romantically, Bangchan says *

"I love you so fucking much~"

"I want you inside of me so bad~"*Felix answers back*

"Shhhh baby the others can probably hear us, We can sneak out at night~"

"Sounds good~"

*They kiss for another 3 minutes and finally catch a big long breath, as they finally catch their breath they go into the kitchen to see Seungmin is sat at one of the stools*

"I heard everything, but don't worry I wont tell anyone."*Snickers* 

"Oh my gosh..."*Felix says in embarrassment* 

*Bangchan is completely flabbergasted thinking that everyone was minding their business in their rooms*

*Seungmin walks back into his room knowing his goal was accomplished*

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