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                                                                                             Katsuki's POV

It was like any other day I guess you could say, school had just gotten out and I was walking down the street heading home, it seemed like a continuous cycle that never ended, wake up, go to school, come back, and sleep. A never ending loop, like a record player, it wasn't always like this though, my days used to be filled with surprises, happiness, and love. Deku, it was a long forgotten name by many, but not by me, I loved this boy, loved him with all of my heart, but back then I  couldn't accept my feelings, back then I hurt the boy I loved out of fear, fear of love, fear of my stupid heart being broken. Hell I even told this boy to kill himself, I was such a fucking idiot back then and now I'm paying for it. After I told the love of my life to kill himself he left, I haven't heard from him since, his mother hasn't either and she misses him so much, I know it's my fault that he's gone, I know it is, and I regret my stupid decision every single fucking day. it eats at me, I tried looking for him, but I never could find him no matter how long and hard I looked for him. It's been 10 years since I've last seen him and I'm still looking, maybe one day I'll find him but I've lost all hope at this point. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a noise nearby in an alley, I didn't pay any mind to it and kept walking until I was suddenly pulled into the alley way, my eyes widened as I looked up only to see the one who I've been longing for for years. "Dek-" I couldn't finish my sentence as Deku put a cloth over my mouth and my vision suddenly became dark.

                                                                                               Deku's POV

I was going on a mission for the league just like any other day as we need to get information on heroes for our next attack, except, this time was different, this time I would have to be facing someone I never thought I would have to face again, the guy who hurt and bullied me for years, the guy who told me to kill myself, the guy who I loved even after the pain, the heartbreak, the bullying, everything. Lets back track here. It was a pretty normal day for the LOV, Kurogiri was making breakfast, and me, Toga, Shiga, and Dabi were playing cads. The rest were out doing who knows what so it was just us, "GODAMNIT NOT A-FUCKING-GAIN,YOU HAD TO HAVE CHEATED" Shiga yells in anger at me, I snickered, I had won the game for the 5th time "No you just suck at this" I said laughing, Shiga then walked away angrily to his room taking a piece of toast Kurogiri made for him. I giggled lightly shuffling the cards again and begin placing them down, I got about half way through passing them out when Shiga came back down smirking lightly "come back to lose again" I snickered. "Actually, I have a mission for you, Deku", I tilted my head looking confused as I was taking a break for a week "I'm on my break, why do I have a mission?" I asked still confused, "Well, we have the current location of pro hero Ground Zero, and I want you to go get him, we are finally goin to get rid of him once and for all" My eyes widened as those words left his mouth, of course I have seen Kacchan on the news and how great his accomplishments are but I always turned it off before it affected me to much, but now, I would have to not only capture him, but also possibly...kill him. I look up at him shaking my head violently, "I-I can't Shiga, please send someone else" I beg him on the verge of tears. "You are the only one who can Deku, you know more about him then us, you know how to get him, now get fucking going, he won't be there for long". I nodded my head tears in my eyes as I walked out the door and headed to his destination.

Once I got there, I wiped my tears on my sleeve and waited in a nearby alley for him to pass by. I saw him from a distance walking closer and closer, once he got a bit closer I quickly reached out and grabbed him by the arm, he looked up at me looking shocked "Dek-" I put a cloth filled with sleeping gas on his mouth before he could finish his sentence knocking him out. I sat there for a minute with him in my arms, looking at him trying not to cry. After about 5 minutes I called Kurogiri to come pick me up. Soon enough a purple portal showed up behind me and I walked through it.

Goodnight, Kacchan (Bakudeku One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now