Chapter 2 - Impossible Paradise (pt 1)

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(IMPORTANT NOTE - From this chapter onwards, Daily Life will now be using a mix of Danganronpa music and other music, the games will be listed alongside the song that is used.)
Daily Life


The following morning, only ten of the students had shown up to the dinning hall for breakfast: Kounna, Scarlet, Tantei, Hiroko, Rocky, Akemi, Ataeru, Sainõ, Hoshihiko, Violet, and finally Drake. The artist had kept himself busy in the kitchen cooking, trying to avoid talking to the others. He felt tired, he had spent most of last night painting his memorial piece, costing him a lot of sleep, and he didn’t want to be cooped up in his room for the day either. Not to mention that he was also quite emotionally drained, from the way he had dealt with his sadness last night wasn’t healthy, in his opinion at least.

Drake simply stood over the stove and continued to slowly fry his pancake “...” he stared at it blankly, rubbing his right eye and yawning (man ... I really didn’t take this well ... I’m sure that everyone else is shaken too) Drake flipped the pancake in the pan, the side up was pale but at least cooked “...” he continued cooking it while he heard a few murmured voices outside, they approached the doorway and Drake simply gave a glance as Rocky, Akemi, and Tantei walk into the room with their plates. Putting them down on the side, Drake heard two sets of feet leave the room, he closed his eyes and sighed “aren’t you going to leave with them?” He asked tiredly.

“That’s going to burn you know ...” Tantei commented as he walked over to the artist and peered over his shoulder, Drake starred at Tantei blankly, though his sore eyes gave away what had occurred before he had come into the kitchen this morning.

(Super Danganronpa Another 2 OST Look into my eyes)

“I’m really not in the mood, Tantei. Sorry.” Drake apologised, but he didn’t put his heart into it, like he normally did. It lacked emotion, feeling more like a robotic response “maybe some other-”

“I saw what you did with Junako’s door” he spoke calmly, Drake looked at Tantei with a slight surprise.

“Huh. I thought you of all people wouldn't care for a little tribute like that” Drake spoke with a hint of surprise to his tone, but showed no change from his deadpan expression.

“We all did” Tantei commented, Drake looked at him completely this time “I know that you two were close friends-”

“It’s been less than a week. I shouldn’t have let my emotions get the best of me” Drake’s eyes returned to his pan, he flipped the pancake to reveal a browned underside. Drake turned off the stove and left the pan to grab a plate “besides. I’m sure that he didn’t care about me that much” Drake spoke with an almost eerily calm tone, as if he was trying to suppress his emotions.

Tantei stood by the stove quietly for a moment before looking back at Drake, who was now returning with a plate to claim his pancake “look, I’m not the greatest at this whole, being empathetic thing. I’m more of a sit on the sidelines and wave a flag quietly, kind of guy.” Tantei tried to awkwardly explain himself to Drake, who simply stared at him simply mindedly “w-well, what I mean is-”

“No, Tantei. It’s fine. You can stop, I understand.” Drake waved his hand, his expression shifted and he seemed more relaxed than before “I know that I shouldn’t be keeping all of this to myself, and all of us are bound to be thinking along the same lines. But ... I just don’t feel ready to talk like that with everyone here.” Drake confessed, rubbing the back of his neck “Rozu was right, I blindly trusted everyone yesterday at the trial, and look what it got us. I almost led us all to death, I made you a suspect even when you had nothing to do with any of this, I ... I got Sora convicted for murder ... and it felt satisfying.”

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