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January 7
"Love that's still not the point, the point is that I came home from work and was greeted by our social worker, I thought she was going to take away Micheal but instead she's dropping off the papers of a little girl, which I know nothing about" Emily explained as she got dressed in her pajamas.
"Emily she is five years old and weighs as much as a three year old. She has felt and been unwanted since the day she was born. Emily this girl has been mentally and physically abused for years, nevermind the fact that she has more scars than you" JJ responded as she crawled out of the comforter and over to the end of the bed.
"Look I love how much you care and how much you want to help this little girl, but we can't help every child that walks through the door" Emily said and JJ took her hand.
"Please Em, she has no one, she's scared and she needs a family that wants her, that loves her. We have the room, and we have the love to give" JJ explained. The brunette knew she was right but didn't know what to do.
"Jennifer we have two beautiful sons and a daughter who just got married" JJ climbed onto Emily's lap facing her and began rubbing her hand on the back of her neck.
"I talked to Georgia, she can bring Melody here tomorrow" JJ whispered after she knew that Emily was hesitating to make up excuses not to do this.
"I-uh, I guess we're going to do this" Emily smiled, looking up at the blonde.
"I guess we are!" JJ exclaimed and basically tackled Emily onto the bed, kissing her passionately.
"I love you Emily"
"I love you more" the blonde said as she buried her face into Emily's neck.
The couple was snuggled up in bed, Emily stroking JJ's hair as both of them basked in each other's company.
"Em, do you remember the Thompson case, the guy who kidnapped and tortured women who resembled his mother then went home to torture his four year old daughter?" JJ explained.
"Yeah, what about it love?" Emily asked, continuing to stroke her wife's hair.
"Do you remember how the daughter clung to you, and would only talk to you?" JJ asked, sitting up.
"Yeah, she, she was adorable," Emily smiled
"Her name is Melody Thompson and she is the girl coming tomorrow" JJ stated and Emily shot up.
"If you had told me that I probs would've given in faster" Emily laughed.
"You would've given in anyway." JJ smiled
It had been two years. Henry was eight, Micheal was two and Elle was newly married to Brayden. Emily and JJ were content with their life, no more talk of divorce, not much arguing, mostly just love and care. The team was the same, except for a new recruit Tara Lewis, who was a great asset to the team.
January 8
Emily woke up to Henry next to the bed waiting for her to open her eyes.
"Mom?" He asked
"Henry what time is it?" Emily asked quietly, trying not to wake up JJ.
"It's five thirty" he smiled and Emily pushed the comforter off of her.
"What is it with my kids being so much like me?" Emily playfully asked herself as Henry took her hand and pulled her out of bed.
"Come on mom!" He exclaimed
"I'm coming, I'm coming" The brunette replied tiredly as she made her way downstairs with the young boy.
"You're not usually up this early bud, why are you today?" Emily asked, making herself coffee.
"Because I know you wake up early every day and you were home after I went to bed last night. I just missed you" Henry explained innocently but there was also a sense of sadness in his voice.
"I missed you too bud, why are you so sad?" Emily asked worriedly as she sat on the kitchen stool beside him.
"I just missed you," he stated on the verge of tears.
"Henry you and I both know that I know when someone's lying, what's really going on buddy?" Emily asked and Henry broke down into her chest.
"I don't like school, people are mean and-and yesterday was Daddy day at school and people made fun of me for not having a dad and having two moms" He cried and Emily pulled the little boy up onto her lap.
"Henry, why didn't you tell us? We could have had Uncle Spencer go, he's your godfather,"Emily said
"You and Mama are so strong, I thought I could be strong but I'm a wimp" Henry cried more.
"No Henry, you are not a wimp, you are the best little boy a mom could ask for. I wouldn't trade you for the world" Emily explained and kissed his head.
"Even if someone paid you?" He asked
"Even if someone paid me" Emily smiled.
About an hour passed and Emily was watching the news with Henry asleep on her lap. JJ was walking down the stairs with Micheal when she caught a glimpse of the two on the couch.
"Hey love" Emily whispered as JJ sat down next to her with a sleeping Micheal on her.
"How long have you guys been down here?" JJ asked before Emily leaned in and kissed her.
"About an hour, Henry woke up extra early because he missed me" Emily laughed before hesitating to say what the little boy had told her earlier.
"What's on your mind?" JJ asked, moving some of Emily's hair behind her ear.
"Uh- Henry is getting bullied at school-for having two moms" Emily hesitated and JJ sighed.
"I knew that it might happen but if it did I never thought it would be this early, he's only eight" The brunette added
"Kids can be so cruel" JJ sighed once more and placed her head on Emily's shoulder.
"Speaking of kids, we need to tell Henry about Melody," Emily stated.


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