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8th February 1901 Paris France, 27 Rue Boissière

  I, John Endell Froud, relating to the adventures concerning my friend Theophane Anouil, who I met on my travels through France a few years back.

 Having spent years as a businessman in England, I decided to travel to France to expand my enterprise as an accountant.

 I was waiting outside the Café Belle de Fleur for a client, the cafe is a sort of rundown place about half a mile from my apartment I rent from Mdm. De Bisset. The cafe, a place I didn’t normally frequent, was making me reflect on how unfitting the name Belle de Fleur was, and also made me wonder what it used to be like before it got rundown. As I was there reflecting, leaning on my car, a roughly dressed Frenchman approached me. “Bonjour mon Cher friend,” he said as he held out his hand and grabbed mine, shaking it heartily. The man introduced himself, and I gave him my name. “What’s your business in France mon ami?” he inquired. I told him my business was in accounting, then he told me how he knew some excellent clients he wanted me to meet if I would be so kind as to meet him here tomorrow at midday. I said to him that I would and he said Au revoir.

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