chapter one

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When I moved, I had to switch schools. Having to go to a new school already sucks but having to do it in the middle of the school year sucks even worse. If it couldn't get any worse, I have to continue my junior year at my old school's rival school, Grand Lake. It sounds like a fancy private school but it's just your average tax-funded public school.

As the bus stops in front of the bus stop, I get in. It's quiet. Some kids have their headphones on looking out the window and others are completing the homework they didn't finish because they were too busy not caring last night. I sat in an empty seat and scoot to the edge and just sat there looking out the window.

"Hey sweetie, can I talk to you or did you invite h-"

"No, I'm alone. What's up? Why did you get home early?" I interrupted my mother as she closes the front door and comes to the couch where I'm watching tv.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about," she sat next to me. "You know how when your father left we been trying our hardest."At the mention of my father, I froze and turned to her and nodded. "Well umm, I don't think we have to worry about if the lights are going out anymore" her lips curved up into a half-smile "I got a promotion to co-director."

"Oh my god, mom. That's amazing. You have been working hard. You deserve it. I'm proud of you." I jumped up but she was still sitting down looking guilty. I sat down next to her and she looked at me. "Why aren't you happy about this?"

"The job is at Lakeview..."

The bus stopped and all the kids cramped through the doors to go into what I call hell. I was the last one to get out. As a reflex, I looked to my right and smiled. I lost my smile when I didn't see anyone. I start to walk to the school with my head down. As I opened the main door, the heads of some turned. No, I didn't get my slow-mo walking down the hall moment but some heads did turn and there were some whispers. I mind my business and go to the office to get my schedule.

When I walk in I'm welcomed by a young bright lady across the counter. Okay, not me sounding like a principal. "Hey sweetie, how can I help you?"

"I'm Christian, I'm new. I was told to come to the office to get my schedule and information." She sat up from her seat and walked over and shuffled through some papers.

She got two pieces of paper and handed them to me. "Here you go sweetie, this is one is locker number and combination," she said as she points to the small yellow paper ", and the other paper is your schedule we only have 4 classes per day your lunch is whenever your 3rd period is scheduled for lunch and if I'm correct I think math is 1st lunch so before you go to the 3rd period you'll go to lunch."

I thank her and I follow her directions to my locker. I find my locker and put in my combination. My locker doesn't open I try again and again but it doesn't open. I groan in frustration.

"You need help with that?" A guy a little taller than me said with a smirk. He took my combination. I looked around and see if anyone was looking at us. "The lockers sometimes needs a little push." I stare at my open locker and then at him.

"Thank you." I pushed a half-smile on my face and put everything but a notebook and pen in my locker.

"I take it you're new."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, one you don't know how to open your locker. umm, you have your schedule in your hand and it's the middle of the year. Also, people are staring at you like you're fresh meat." I start checking if people are staring and I do see a couple of eyes on me, mostly girls but ehh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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