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The six teen heroes walked into the old abandoned warehouse. "Who is it this time? MadMod, Killer Moth, Gizmo? "Cyborg asked. "The report simply stated there was an intruder."Starfire said. "Whoever it is we're gonna totally kick their - ."Beast Boy was interrupted by Robin "No." The boy wonder simply said. "It's been a long time hasn't it titans ? A month a millennium ? Far to long for my taste. I was beginning to wonder when I would ever see your smiling faces again."a man in armor and a tan and black mask said. Beast Boy looked at him "Terra took you down, way down!"he said and growled. "I'm ready to fight!" Robin said. "How sweet Robin , but I didn't come for you."Slade said as he looked at Raven then he noticed Rae. "Who is this?"he asked then he got fire thrown at him. "None of your goddamn concern!"Rae said with venom in her voice. She learned who slade was and what he did after she met the titans.

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