Back Massage

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"SCOTTTTT?" I heard Mitch calling from his room in our new enormous house, his voice echoing off the tall ceiling. We shared the house with others, but at the moment we were the only 2 at home. "WHATTTTT?!" I yelled back pretending to be very annoyed. "My back hurts again" he replied sounding extra needy. "SO?" I called back, although I knew exactly what he wanted. Mitch had just gotten a new mattress and he hadn't quite broken it in yet. It had caused him to wake up with back aches the past few days. "PLEASE!" he called more persistently when I didn't answer. I sighed and dragged myself off of my warm and comfortable bed and made my way down the hall to my best friend. 

I peeked into his open door and found him sitting on the edge of his bed. Wyatt was curled up on one of his pillows, asleep. He was shirtless and wearing only black basketball shorts. "What do you want, Michelle?" I asked. "I need you to do the thing with your hands, I can't even get comfortable because my back is killing me, Please Scott?" and with that he dropped his chin down a bit and looked up at me with his eyes in that way he does, all innocent and completely cute. "OK FINE, I guess I'll do it" I sighed and rolled my eyes pretending to be very put out by the request, but in reality I'd do anything for Mitch. He is my best friend and I love him with my entire being. 

I made my way to his bed and positioned myself behind him, draping one leg around each side of him so that I had perfect access to his back. I couldn't help but think how perfectly our bodies fit together. He was smiling and handing me his favorite massage oil. "Thank you, I totally love you" he said and I rubbed some of the oil between my palms and got to work. I put both of my hands on Mitch's shoulders and began to massage. He immediately threw his head back, "Gahhh that's perfect.." he said. "I know I'm good" I said with feigned arrogance. He just responded with a quiet "mmmhmmm." I moved my hands to each side of his neck and used my thumbs to slowly rub circles in the back of his neck. I heard him take a deep intake of breath as I continued and his chin dropped to his chest giving me better access to his neck. 

I alternated between his neck and shoulders for a few minutes, and Mitch's breathing was becoming more erratic with every passing second. He was tilting his head back and letting his chin drop to his chest at irregular intervals. "this is heavenly" he said. To be honest, I was just as much in heaven as he. I loved making him feel good and seeing him in such bliss. I removed my hands momentarily to put more oil on them and after rubbing them together I re-positioned myself slightly closer to Mitch and got back to work. This time I focused each hand on one of his arms. Starting at his shoulders I massaged my way down his bicep, then forearm, then down to his hands where I lightly stroked his wrists with the tips of my fingers before making my way back up to his shoulders. His skin was so soft and smooth and just beautiful, like him. 

Mitch's heavy breathing was slowly transitioning to moans as I worked him over. His moans were putting me in a trance-like dream state. The smell of the oil mixed with the sounds coming from his beautiful mouth mixed with the feeling of his skin under my hands was almost too much for me to handle. My hands continued moving on Mitch's body in all the ways I knew he loved and he thanked me by continuing his symphony of moans. We were both lost in our own little world, just me and him. 

Then something happened that made me lose myself. I hit a particularly sensitive spot on the side of Mitch's neck and he let out a breathy "Scottttttt" and before I realized what was happening, my lips were on Mitch's neck, kissing the same spot I'd just discovered with my fingers. I closed my eyes and fully absorbed this wonderful moment. The way his skin felt under my lips, the way he smelled, I knew this moment would end quickly and I wanted it ingrained in my brain.  He stilled for a split second then put his hand on top of my hand that was resting on his shoulder and he looked back at me as I slowly pulled my lips away from his neck. 

We stared into each other's eyes and time stood absolutely frozen. My vision tunneled and all I saw was Mitch looking at me with want and need and love written all over his face.  He was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. It was a moment I won't ever forget. Our faces were only inches apart, the only sound to be heard was our heavy breathing. My heart was pounding in my chest and sitting right next to me at the same time. My focus moved to Mitch's lips which were slowly getting closer to my own. Both our lips parted slightly, we kissed. What felt like electricity coursed through my entire body as I felt Mitch's perfect lips pressed against my own. It was a sweet, gentle kiss full of love and adoration. I fanned my fingers out slightly behind his head and pulled him closer to me kissing him deeper for just a second, then I gently released him. We locked eyes again, taking each other in, then feeling shy and love-struck I laid my head on his shoulder. The moment was too much and I felt myself tearing up. Mitch could sense my emotional change and reeled me in with 2 words: "Thank you." I lifted my head and looked at him, knowing he was totally ok with what just happened. "You're always welcome" I said. I wanted more: mentally, physically, emotionally, but the time wasn't right just yet. "I guess I'm going to bed now, goodnight Mitchy" I whispered as I gently kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Scotty" he said with a sweet smile. I squeezed his hand as I got up to leave and he held on to mine a little longer than necessary as our fingertips brushed against each other's as the distance between us slowly grew. I got to his door and looked over my shoulder one last time at him, he was looking back at me. I slowly blinked my eyes and smiled, then I exited his room.

I made my way back to my room in a complete daze. I felt high on life and I didn't want that feeling to end. I tucked myself into bed, and thought of only the beautiful boy down the hall, and how he completes me in every way possible. I was wondering what he was thinking at that moment when I received a text.

Mitchy: I Love You. 

My heart fluttered and I typed in a simple response.

Scott: I Love You Too. 

That was all I needed to send me into the most peaceful slumber I'd ever had, with dreams full of Mitch's face, his lips, his moans, and all he was to me: Everything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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