Chapter 1:

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y/n pov

I stare into the mirror as I take a deep breath, "Everything is okay, we are gonna do great, just breathe". I brushed my hair back into a bun letting my curtain bangs fall messily to the side of my face. I smile as I place my pearl necklace around my neck, simple but effect I thought seeing that it brought together my whole outfit. I looked at the time and panicked, I had to be at the BAU headquarters in 15 minutes so I ran about my apartment grabbing my satchel and topping up May's food, my cat.

 I looked at the time and panicked, I had to be at the BAU headquarters in 15 minutes so I ran about my apartment grabbing my satchel and topping up May's food, my cat

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This is your outfit roughly

"I love you" I shouted at her before stepping out the door. I walked along the grey sidewalk of Quantico, Virginia at a relatively brisk pace whilst simultaneously trying not to pee myself because I was so nervous. I had been dreaming off this moment for about 10 years ever since I saw a murder mystery TV show, stereotypical I know but something clicked in me and I knew that it was what I wanted to do with my life.

I clicked number three as the doors of the elevator shut and I tapped my foot impatiently, I had a slight tendency to become overly nervous for example I threw up right before giving a presentation to my class in 6th grade because I hated the idea of public speaking and I always have, so let's just say I'm not the biggest social butterfly out there.

The doors slid open and I stepped out to see people with files talking to each other, walking about and I took a deep breath and made my way to SSA Aaron Hotchner's office. I had memorised the floor plan in order to avoid social contact with other people which some may consider a little extra however I had already done it so I lifted up my hand and knocked one the door.

"Come in", a deep voice said as I slowly opened the door to see a man with dark black hair and a stern look on his face.

"Hi-i, I'm yn yln, here for the profiler position", I held out my hand and he took it, giving it a firm handshake.

"Ah yes of course, I am SSA Aaron Hotchner but you can call me Hotch, I've heard great things about you and I hope you are ready to start because the rest of my team is already in the conference room".

"Oh I'm so sorry sir I didn't realise I was late", my cheeks burnt red slightly embarrassed.

"No no, you're not late we just gathered early and it's Hotch not sir", he lips turned upwards but not a full smile and we both made our way to the conference room where the rest of the team was sat at a round table.

"Good morning all, we have a new member on our team and I expect you to all be on your best behaviour" Hotch said, his eyes lingering on the dark skinned Man with a distinct lack of hair but made up for it in muscles, who chuckled and looked up at me.

"This is yn yln, and yn this is everyone" Hotch said, "This is SSA Derek Morgan"

"Sup baby girl", he man from before said, startled by the nickname he used my eyes widened and I was unsure of how to reply

"H-hello", the word fell awkwardly out of my mouth, my voice cracking in between each syllable and I cursed my awkwardness and there was a collective chuckle around the room.

"Ignore him, I'm Jennifer Jerau but most people call me JJ", spoke a stunning looking women sat next to Morgan and I smiled at her politely and waved.

"This is Dave Rossi", Hotch said as I turned to look at him and I pursed my lips realising that I was in the same room as my idol.

"Hi, it's a pleasure to work with you sir, I've read all your books and paper and I think they are fascinating", I splurted out without thinking and then covered my mouth with my hand to stop talking.

"Please call me Rossi" he gave me a smile.

"This is Agent Emily Prentiss and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia", Emily gave me a wave and Garcia moved around the table from where she was standing and gave me a hug.

"Thank god, some more girl power in here we've been overrun by men for way too long", I laugh a little as she lets go and returns back to her screen.

"And finally we have Dr Spencer Reid", I turn to see a man who looks roughly my age with short messy brown hair and a killer jawline, yet still managing to keep a childish feature about him. His gaze for some reason made me blush.

"Y-you can call me Sp-spencer or Reid um whichever you prefer", he said, giving me a classic white boy smile and a wave.

"It's nice to meet you Spencer", I say trying not to smile as I was taken aback by the adorable clumsiness of his words that I wasn't expecting to come from someone with his looks but now looking at his behaviour, the way he sat and fiddle with his hair it made perfect sense.

"Okay, we've wasted enough time, Garcia will brief us on the plane, yn I hope you brought a go back because wheels up in 20", Hotch said and he turned to leave the room and adrenaline rushed through me.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now