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"Guys guys guys guys I have a place I want to show you!!!!" I said and they all looked at me.

I helped Emily up and went to the garage where my secret place is hehe.

"Come" I said and open the door. "OH MY GOD!" Emily yelled. "This is soo cool" Alice said and sat down.

Your room:

We hanged out in here and it's time for them to leave

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We hanged out in here and it's time for them to leave. "We have to go" Emily said. "Oh at the same time are you guys sister" I said.

"Haha no we just live together that is the thing" Alice said. "Ohhhh ok I can walk you guys home" I said.

"Okie" Emily said and walked. "Oh your leg is fine now" I said. "Yeah it healed thanks to your thing" she said. "Oh ok"

We walk outside and rain RAIN. "Now!!" I said. "We can go by ourselves" Emily said. "No it's fine".

I got a umbrella and we started walking. "Yes" Alice just randomly said. "What?" Emily said confused. "I don't know it was just quite" Alice said. "True"

"Soooo Y/n do you like ummmmm someone I don't know" Emily said. "No" I said. "What!?" The both said.

"What?" I said confused. "You don't like a BoyStory member!!!!" Alice said. "Ummm No the member seem nice" I said.

We got their house and I said goodbye and walked back home.

Sorry It was short I got my phone taken away so I am using my moms so I won't be posting in a long time, sorry 🥺

Quiet girl with handsome boy (completed)Where stories live. Discover now