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' Do I really have to do this ?' You thought as you look out the air plane window

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' Do I really have to do this ?' You thought as you look out the air plane window. ' My mom must be crazy, thinking this well help her.' You see, you live in a world where dragons and humans live together in peace. Dragons is above humans, but they have magic and they rule the world. I know what you thinking why do they keep human?. Well, because they can give dragon more stronger and more magic. So they keep then as mate with human. Human can still be together and live freely.

So this is how you got here. Your mom want you to marry not one but two dragon guys. One was name Bakugo, the next dragon king and the second one name is Kirishima, the great dragon knights. You sights as you got out of the plane.

You got your bags out of the bags things that around. I don't know, what the hell it called. So you look around to see, if you can see them. ' So mom said that one as red hair and the other one has blonde, but I don't see them anywhere.''. After a while of looking, you just sit at one of the out to eat. You waited about an hour in till you hear footsteps coming your way. You look up from your phone and saw two guys. They stop right by your table. One of them was smiling at you and the other was looking away from you, but you was pretty sure he was mad.

'' Hey beautycool are you y/n by any chance?'' the red head said. You rise an eyebrow at him.

'' Yeah that me....what do you want with me ?''

The guy with the red hair rubs the back of his head. The blonde one growl and look at you.

'' We know you because -- WE ARE YOUR FRANCE.'' The red one started and the blonde one finish it by yelling at you with his tail and wings pointing straight up.

'' First of all you don't have to yell at me, because I am not one of your friends. I will slap you silly. Secondly you guys are late.'' You said.

'' Yeah sorry Bakubro here was taking a little longer to get out of the house.'' The red head said as he point at the blonde.

''Oh my name is Kirishima Eijiro and the is Bakugo Katsuki.''

'' So the blonde is name bakuhoe right.''


You got up and grab all of your stuff. Kirishima help grabs the other bags that you had. You guys begin walking out the airport. You all got in the car, while the maids help puts the stuff in the car.

'' So Kiri, Do you babysit Bakuhoe or,,,?''

Kirishima grin a little and shakes his head no.

'' I just keep him in line.''

'' Ooh''

'' I AM RIGHT HERE.'' Bakugo yells.

'' We know, hoe''

'' Hey bakubro calm down''

Bakugo growl and look out the window mad.

'' Is he always this mad.''

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